Daves grill got used overtime while my folks and the Van Der Merwe's visited, Dave was thrilled coz from what I heard my dad or George helped BBQ some but here he was caught doing a good job of all that meat ... nothing like the American BBQ's of burgers and hotdogs, this was the real thing ... ok not as far as my dad was concerned, no coal but anyway this was the best we could do and it was yummy anyway.
Here everyone is relaxing outside on the deck, it was so nice out back in the evenings, warm but not in the sun. Pity all those bloody towels were in the background (hehehe) I am sure my neighbors were not impressed but what the heck it was only for a week right !!!
The girls eating dinner, all that yummy food, the adults all sat in the dining room, I am surprised my dad didn't get any pics in there but it was nice to use my dining room table :-) I guess the next time will be Thanksgiving ... only kidding I plan to entertain a lot in this house.
Here are some more pics taken the morning of Nana's birthday, the lighting was bad on all my pics so my dad's pics came out better, not that we all wanted to be photographed in our pj's !!! Remember the tradition of cake for breakfast, thank you Karen !!!
Us all in our pj's with bed hair ... sorry but hey, if there was no proof no one would believe me right ?
Here Nana got ahead of herself with the cake, until I told her how much the blue frosting stains, that had her running to get it off her face, thankfully no damage done, pity actually that would have taught her (hehehe).
Ok these look so silly on her and she wasn't even all dressed up for the pic, she was in her pj's too but my dad wasn't going home without a pic of her in her crocs.
This is David multi tasking at the pool, you would hardly say Amber was comfy or happy but hey she was as long as there was food coming her way :-)
The next three are of Ambers first dip in the pool, yeah I know me in a bathing suit on camera, sorry guys but we had to get this for the scrapbook :-) She didn't mind it too much but too long was too much for her, for the first while she was ok but at a point she made it clear she wanted out :-) Thankfully the water was warmish so it wasn't to much of a shock to the system. The pool was full though and there was splashing coming from all sides so maybe she will enjoy it more next time, I just really wanted my folks to see it at least one time.
Ok that's pretty much it from my dads side, I have one more lot with all the pics of my folks and the kids and one or two family pics too :-) Hang in there, I know this has been a long update.
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