On the subject of neck ... golly has Amber been more of a challenge or a worry than Jade was as a baby ... first the heart murmur, then the poor thing got backed up and then from that extreme to having a tummy bug and well now we are worried about her neck !!! You will see in most pics that she has her head tilted to the left, we thought it was cute at first and didn't pay it much attention but at her 2 month doctors visit they tested her muscle strength and she really battled turning her head completely to the other way and during tummy time, she almost couldn't turn it the other way at all ... she managed it once but not again in the doctors office. So anyway the doctor gave us exercises to do with her which I have been doing every day a couple of times a day ... but then the other day I was chatting with a mom that has a baby 2 weeks older than Amber and he was holding his head up strong when Ambers head is really floppy still, that worried me so I took her back to the doctor this past Monday ...
The doctor didn't seem too concerned she said that it is not unusual for a baby to chose a side and favor that side but she could tell I was worried about it and that I didn't want Amber to be behind in development which clearly she was so she referred us to a baby physio which I am going to tomorrow morning for the first time. Now this might not mean that Amber has to have regular physio, it means for now that they will probably give me a bunch of exercises to do with her to strengthen the muscles that are weak, anyway hold thumbs that that is all that we will need and that this is not more serious than it is !!!
I wanted to get in and see someone before our trip to San Diego which is this coming Tuesday so thankfully they were able to squeeze us in on short notice, that way I can take up the exercises immediately and not wait another 2 weeks. If you look back on all the other pics you will know what I mean. So pray all is well with her ok, golly she has been such a worry to us already and she is not even 3 months old yet !!!
Ok so I think I have decided not to send Jade on the overnight camp on Friday night, I think she is going to be mad as heck at me but oh well ... I was just worried about it all, maybe next year. I know she does well at sleep overs but that is at peoples houses etc. at a campground with people that are strangers to me, I just didn't feel right about it all, she is such a big girl but I have to keep reminding myself she is only 6 or one her way to 7 !!! Mothers instinct right ?
Ok well almost ready for our trip to San Diego ... golly I am nervous and excited about that but more on that later, Dave just got home and I need to sort out the family. Bye for now.
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