We are finally getting the house back to normal I think ... I moved Amber's bath from our bathroom downstairs up to the spare bathroom which now is Amber's bathroom, here I was able to give a better bath and allow her to spend more time splashing around, the lighting was not great but anyway here are two pics of her during and after her bath.

The next few weeks are going to be a little hectic for me but I am excited about them all except this week coming up :-( I had what I thought were sensitive teeth during my pregnancy with Amber, I had something similar with Jade so I pretty much just hung in there for the past few months hoping it would go away after Amber was born well it didn't so I plucked up enough courage this past week to take a trip to the dentist. The good news is I have no cavities but the bad news is that I have to have all four of my wisdom teeth taken out, oh gosh yet another surgery, when will this end, I am so tired of being poked and prodded !!!
So Wednesday I have a consultation with the specialist and either Thursday or probably Friday I will be going into hospital for apparently most of the day. My dental surgeon comes highly recommended so I feel good about that and I am actually not too scared since I will be asleep for the surgery and well it will be about 4 days of liquids or soft foods and then I will feel good as knew, gosh I hope so, I really have dealt with this pain for way too long.
So Dave will take the day off but I am not sure how we will work things at this point since Jade is in a Music and Drama camp this entire week, it's only 9 - 12 with a family presentation on Friday evening which I will be very sad to miss but Dave will have to video it for me !!! Anyway but we will have to figure things out because being surgery, I have to have someone in the waiting room which is fine, Dave could hang out there with Amber but then the drop off and collecting of Jade ... I am going to have to ask for help there, the thing is I won't know the details till Wednesday, which is a pain in the butt. Anyway so that is this week ...
Then the following week Jade has Camp Funshine again, this is a 9 - 5 camp, this is a back to nature week with an overnight camp out on the Friday night, not too sure how I feel about that but we will see come the end of the week. I know Jade will be heart broken if we don't let her go but I think I will make that decision later on, it's just a little scary for me to send my 6 year old daughter on an overnight camp out with what are strangers to me but here this stuff is normal, maybe mom must just suck it up and get with the program !!!
The the following week from he 28th till the 2nd we will be in San Diego, oh gosh a almost 5 hour plane flight ... what have I gotten myself in for, you would think with our extensive travel experience we would be ok with a short flight like that but with a baby again ... oh dear !!! Also to save money we didn't get a non stop flight which I am sure I will regret at some point but we stop over in Texas, hopefully it will all be a good experience. We are staying at a really fancy hotel so I am so looking forward to that although Amber not going through the night yet might land up being tough for all 4 of us. I am hoping by some small miracle by that point she will be going through the night, gosh I pray !!!
We have South African friends that live close by that we are excited to see, Tania has two girls that I know Jade will have a ball with. Other than visiting them, there is so much to do in San Diego, a zoo that apparently is just the best, Legoland and so much more, not to mention an awesome beach which is on the hotels doorstep ... for me this trip is all about spoiling Jade since it will be such a fun place for her, let's hope Amber plays along !!!
Well after we get back it's one more week of Camp, two more weeks of vacation and I cannot believe it, Summer will be over with, when 3 months usually drags for me, this year before I know it, it will be over with, that's so sad, I feel like I haven't gotten my dose of sun yet, I need to make a plan.
So if I am quieter over the next while please understand things are going to be hectic, I will try to update as much as I can though.
Till then, bye for now.