Ok so Jade has been nagging me for the longest time to curl her hair so that she would have curly hair like her sister !!! I have been avoiding it as I have no clue how to curl hair, deal with curlers or any of that ... mom where are you when I need you, no answer needed ok (hehehe) :-( Anyway so the other day I was in the Dollar Store and they had these curlers and I thought oh well she is on Winters Break now, if any this would be a fun thing for us to do so ... I bought them and decided to try them on Thursday night.
So how did I do mom, no criticism needed ok !!!
These two Jade took of Amber and I while we were messing around, end of day so we are both not looking our best but oh well right ?
Ok so Jade woke up the next morning and only one curler had come out, I was totally surprised actually and didn't think she would really sleep on them, I mean how comfortable could that be. Anyway she wanted them out right after breakfast, she was excited to see what she looked like, of course I thought I was going to have to wash her hair right away because it would be a total mess.
So I was very surprised that it didn't come out half bad, ok so when I first took it out, oh golly she looked like Annie, you know who I mean right ? And thank Heavens when I put my fingers through it it loosened up a bit (hehehe) but still from close it looked like a birds nest but she totally loved it !!! So I left it but knew we were going to a party later she probably needed to wash it anyway so it was all good.
Amber was not sure about all this, it was like what did you do with my sister or is this my sister and if so what does she have on her head ? She couldn't stop staring at Jade.
I love how she looks at Jade :-)
Such admiration :-)
And most times the love is returned :-)
I probably should not have curled her fringe but other than her fringe being very long right now and needing a drastic cut, it was a nice change too.
Only two more days to go, will I make it today ... not so sure, been at it for like 6 hours now :-( So please enjoy it.
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