Thanks to my girlfriend Pam who watched Amber at home, we managed to make this evening all about Jade, we went out for a special dinner with her before hand which was fun, I had forgotten how easy eating out could be without a baby with us.
Anyway below she is lighting her candle that she made at the retreat she and I attended a few weeks ago, unfortunately it was so very crowded around this table, Dave did not get her actually lighting her candle which is sad since it was very cute but anyway. This candle burnt through the service and afterwards they got to blow them out and take them home. I am actually surprised the church let over 300 candles burn out there while the service was on since recently there was a fire at the church while they were putting up Christmas decorations and there was $250 000 worth of fire damage done :-( but anyway thank God all went well.
There were two services, one on Thursday and our one on the Friday, we apparently were the bigger of the two services and there were over 300 kids at this service. Here you can see some of them singing a song which was very cute. We did video it and will post it when I get a change to load it online. Jade tried to get in the front but was really hidden so sadly we couldn't see too many of the actions to the song but anyway it sounded very cute and it was very meaningful.
There were 17 priests from all over that sat around the church to listen to these little 'angels' make their first confessions, Jade really got lucky and got Monsignor McSweeney which we all love and she got to sit on the alter too which also to me was a big deal. He was the same priest that baptised Amber so now he means even more to us. These pictures didn't come out great but at least you get an idea right ? Oh and you are probably thinking how could they do that in the open but they were playing music so you couldn't hear any of the kids ... so it was nice to witness. It was all very emotional for Jade which even had me in tears, she cried a little with nerves before going up but she was full of pride and joy afterwards, wow, what an evening.
Outside the church they had set up for a craft fair that was going to run the next day and they had some fun things for the kids to have their pictures taken at so Dave took a few :-)
Well that is the first big step on her Catholic Journey, next step is her First Holy Communion, I guess I better start hunting for that mini wedding dress, gloves a tiara and fancy shoes, people here go all out ... David is gonna die, oh well it's for a good cause right !!!
Jade, mom and dad are very proud of you baby girl, love you lots.
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