The 18th of December was this years Breakfast with Santa at our neighborhood clubhouse. While I was getting ready Dave took some really cute pics of the girls in front of our tree.
Amber hates to be held like this by Jade so although she is not smiling this is a good pic :-)
Here the girls are writing their wish list so they could give it to Santa at breakfast, how cute right ?
Sadly this year Amber wanted absolutely nothing to do with Santa !!! I remember this with Jade way back when but at least we did not have to stand in a long line like we did in our old neighborhood only for her to scream her lungs out once we got to the front. She just wouldn't let go of Dave and he couldn't even skoot over to get in the pic :-( oh well next year right ?
Not even a decent pic of Jade with Santa this year, golly what's up with us all this year ?
At the clubhouse they had tables set up for the kids to have breakfast at and to write their lists to Santa if they didn't do one at home, they also had a mailbox you could mail your letter to Santa in, very cute. Anyway Amber likes to be where all the big kids are so she hopped right up here and started writing her list and eating a doughnut.
There is also this little train ride every year, it was cold out this year though so the kids were given blankets to put over them to keep warm. Jade sat next to our neighbor Vincent.
Of course Amber wanted nothing to do with this ride this year either, maybe if dad had gone on it with her but he didn't want to.
Jade was tickled pink when the ride came to an end that Santa hopped on behind her, apparently he was hot inside and needed to cool off :-)
Obviously her list was long coz she went right on in again and started writing again (hehehe).
Ok another update done ... golly how many more to go ???
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