Jade had two of her friends over on Friday afternoon so I decided to do our Christmas Eve of baking cookies for Santa with all of them, I am glad I decided to do that as the girls had great fun, unfortunately they couldn't completely finish as Dave and Jade were going to Mass but anyway for the most part they had fun.
This is Maddie and Erin with Jade, just in case you still did not recognize her with the hair (hehehe) !!! Or you weren't scrolling from the bottom up.
Here they were rolling dough and getting ready to cut their shapes out, next year I am buying ready made shapes and letting the kids just frost them, that would be so much easier, a little less fun but so much easier.
Just being silly girls :-)
Their hard work in the oven, only they looked cool here but they pretty much all smooshed together but oh well they could still frost them but you kinda had to use your imagination when it came to the shapes (hehehe) !!!
Frosting their cookies.
Almost done.
Then off to Mass they rushed, they got to St Matthews too late, it was full so they had to rush to the Catholic School which was also full but they managed to get in there, so glad Amber was napping and we didn't have to rush out with them.
Still trying to figure out the lighting on this new camera ... anyway Jade begged me to leave her now somewhat curly hair just like that for the night, I was not happy with it but went with it. Here we were ready to go to one of our neighbors for a Christmas Eve party. We had a great evening with all our neighbors and thanks to Anne and Joe (Erins parents) for having us all over and putting on such a great spread to eat.
We were home earlish, Dave brought Amber home at 9pm although she was going strong but we figured it would be an early morning. Jade and I stayed another hour and then came home, sorted out Santas cookies and to bed she went. Of course we had to stay up really late to wait till she was asleep to put all the presents out, sadly I am thinking this is her last year of believing in Santa, I think she might not even believed this year but she wasn't 100% sure and I said as long as you believe you get gifts from him, so we will see what next year brings. There are way too many kids her age that don't believe so there's not much hope :-( Another sign that she is just growing up so fast right ?
By now the hair was really just messy but she was happy and that is all that mattered, not great hair for Christmas morning pics but I think that's more my worry than hers.
Santa's helpers have done their work, looks good right ?
Love this picture !!!
Santa has left the building :-)
I think I said two more days the last time I published but I think it is two more days now ...
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