Ok so I am so sad about the bad lighting on these Christmas pics, I am still learning how to use this new fancy camera and I kept looking on the camera to see if they pics looked good and they did but sadly when I loaded them to my pc they were all dark :-( Anyway here are a few.
Jade jumping right in ... Parents nowhere to be seen but she is already seeing what is for her (hehehe). Maybe next year we should put all her stuff behind the tree where she cannot get to them or do you think that would be cruel ?

Ok so notice anything ... yeah I think Dave told her you better put it all back before mommy comes (hehehe) coz this picture was taken after the last one (hehehe).

A totally wow moment for Amber, it's one of her new words, you will see it a lot under the tree while unwrapping :-)

Jade helping Amber unwrap her very first present and really that's all it took and she knew what to do, climbing into everyones gifts and trying to unwrap them all :-)

Both kids very happy with their first gift, Amber cellphone from Nana and Oupa and Jade with her Squinkies I think they are called from her sister.

Jade with one of her gifts from the Stantons, Sion, Tiana, Jessica and Olivia, a Tinkerbell suitcase that she can use for sleepovers, inside there was a Tinkerbell Throw and Pillow, very cute.

Very happy with her two sets of silver earings from the Stantons, I put it in the little pink bag coz I was worried it would get lost in all the presents.

Jade actually unwrapped this and seemed disapointed because she got one of these recently for her birthday, but when she realized it was the one that she really wanted for her birthday and didn't get she was over the moon, can you tell ?

Now I am not so sure in the long run I will be thrilled with this one but Jade has wanted it forever and I can always count on my brother buying her something arty or crafty, she is going to love this :-)

Amber also excited with her Elmo sketcha doodle :-) from Gavin and Gigi.

Jade has wanted one of these forever, has begged me for the longest time for one yet when she unwrapped it she had no clue what it was or how to put it on, that is so funny to me, it's a Snuggie, a blanket with arms really ... she loves it and as you will see will be wearing it the rest of the morning.

One of the newest crazes here are Zoombles I think it is called, Jade has a few of them, she got some too for her birthday but this is her first little home kind of thing for them, so she was excited, this she got from Granny and Grampa.

I have no idea how to explain this one but it is a really cool Crayola crafty thing that glows in the dark, I love all this stuff to keep her busy and out of trouble during Winter Break, this is from Oupa and Nana.

Amber has been very into baby dolls at preschool lately so I thought this would be a great gift, another wow moment for her :-) This is from Granny and Grampa.

Amber loving her baby.

Jade with her fairy puzzle from Gavin and Gigi, I think I would like to frame this one when done so I just have to figure out how to do it in the easiest possible way.

Jade seriously checking out Ambers gift and Amber wondering what she can open next, feel like my kids have swapped roles here.

Cool bath toy from the Stantons, I have not seen her play with this yet, will see tomorrow but Dave said she had a ball in the bath with it and that it will keep her busy for ages :-) she loves her baths so these gifts are always a winner.

Jade getting her Santa gift, her Nintendo DSI :-)

Daddy getting his gift from mommy :-) A watch, will load a close up later.

Jade showing Amber her gift from Santa.

Ambers Santa gift which runs on a battery, she wants nothing to do with it right now so we will have to see, once the snow melts we will try it outside :-)

Amber pushing her new baby in the stroller from Granny and Grampa.

Again there is something wrong with this picture, Jade is playing with Ambers toy and Amber is playing with Jades presents.

Now I know it looks like we gave our kids nothing with all these pics of gifts from others but I just really wanted to show the kids reactions to their gifts to those that gave them, adding any more pics on here would totally bore everyone to death but yeah they were spoilt, given so much more than you see here, but thank you so very much to everyone that sent gifts to help make my kids Christmas as special as it was.
Now these were mommy and daddy gift :-) Mommy got lucky this year, she got the Vitamix Blender that I have been hinting for for about a year now, it is an amazing amazing kitchen appliance which I cannot wait to use, I got a crockpot for dips, bath salts, a new snowbabie to add to my collection and a snowman Pandora charm which is very appropriate you will see later :-) oh and cute socks :-) You will get Davids list later but you can see some of the gifts here.

This is Daves gift from Mrs Santa :-)

These are the rest of Daves gifts (hehehe), new shoes for work which he so needed, a new warm jacket just ready for the snow, a Santa outfit :-) and he got a new electric shaving set and a compresser which I know nothing about just know he wanted it ... and I think that covers it all, enough right, I think Santa was good to us all this year. Thanks Dave, love you babe.

Now with all those fantastic toys this is where Jade stayed all day. We actually went to a neighbor with a heart of gold to do this on Christmas morning, Heather and Jonas asked us and most of the neighbors down here in our circle of the woods to breakfast, a big breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausage, muffins, bagels, fruit, omelettes to order and cakes and pasteries, all put on by themselves alone, can you believe that, who would want to do that on Christmas morning between 9 - 11 am ???
Anyway the invite was come in your pj's so after presents we all got bathed and showered and into fresh clean pj's and then walked over there for breakfast, it was too cool, everyone was in their pj's and it was festive, and the food was yummy, thanks so much you guys, we thought we would never get there and in all honesty I had to drag Dave kicking and screaming but what a nice change and again I have to say what a fantastic neighborhood we live in and what awesome neighbors we have, love all of you :-) and thank you so much for everything.
Anyway why I was telling you this is the nicest thing of all is we spent the rest of the day in our pj's !!! And Jade sat on the couch all day playing her DSI, every now and again looking up to see what was going on in the Christmas day parade on TV.

Me on the other hand spent the afternoon in the kitchen preparing for Christmas dinner which was yummy only my lamb was tough, looks good here but it was tough and that made me very sad but what can you do right ?

This was Daves plate of food, looks good right :-)

Anyway so that was our Christmas, another one bites the dust, again thanks to all that called, emailed, sent cards and gifts and invited us over to make our Christmas 2010 so special.
Ok so I have one more day to updat but as of right now I have spent over 8 hours sitting here today doing all these updates and I am exhausted and am ready to go relax and give my eyes a break. Tomorrow I will do the update for today but I am sure in the meantime you have tons to see ok, hope you enjoy it all. Love to all.