This is a little bathing suit that I bought Amber the end of last year and it is too cute, only she wore it this day and for the life of me, do you think we can find it again, I am so annoyed I have no idea what has happened to it, I have turned the house upside down looking for it without any luck :-( I really hope it turns up before the end of Summer.
Daddy only had to help her once or twice and she wanted to do it on her own. I was freaking a little that she would fall over backwards on the top onto the deck and would hurt herself, especially after our trip to the emergency room last week but she managed just fine, thank God.
This was her face when she hit the bottom :-)
Both my girls having fun ... funny thing is that Jade might be 8 and growing up in so many ways but when playing with her sister, she doesn't get when I tell her, 'baby the slide is for little kids so be gentle so you don't break it ok' I always seem to get a bad look of 'are you calling me fat' (hehehe).
Look at that cute little butt, don't you just want to squeeze it :-)
Oh I love this one, it is so Amber and well you can tell how much fun she is having.
Just chilling :-)
Thank you Nana and Oupa, this was great fun :-) I am sure we will have lots of fun on here this Summer.
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