Now those that know me I would love to be surprised by my hubby but I too am a total control freak and surprises with a two year old in tow, mmmm I wasn't so sure about all this. Anyways I asked as many questions as I could to try and be prepared with Amber and all but what we were not banking on is Amber only taking a 45 minute nap that day, since we got rid of the paci's naptime is starting to shorten and on days she has not taken a nap at all so 45 mins we were lucky to get that day.
So at 5h30 we started on our journey ... an over an hour journey which already had me worried, the three bigger kids all napped in the car, but Amber ... no way was she gonna miss anything. We stopped at McDonald's for a quick bite and then soon afterwards we arrived at our destination a DRIVE IN !!!
This was the playground in front of one of the two screens, they show 2 kids movies and 2 adults movies a night :-)
Nice picture of Dave and Amber.
Amber loves a slide.
The boys and Jade.
Now from my childhood I have very good memories of drive ins but did I want to do this with a 2 year old, nope !!! But shame I didn't want to ruin it for Dave so we all tried best we could to have fun, the three older kids were not too impressed, what is it with kids these days right ? Thank God for cellphones and my cars GPS system and the games on there or we would have been in trouble, since the movie did not start till 9h40 and yeah this momma was starting to worry just a little bit at this point.
Kids in the back of my car. The three older kids sat in comfort for the show, Dave and I brought chairs but I sat with Amber on a blanket for as much of the time we could keep her there ... rest of the time Dave was chasing her around (hehehe) golly I hope the guy learnt his lesson, shame I love him more for trying !!!
Anyway it wasn't too bad only I don't care for kids movies but the kids enjoyed the new Cars 2 movie, Gabriel fell asleep towards the end but Dave had to keep Amber busy (hehehe) at that point I am sure he was thinking 'What was I thinking' ? Anyway the movie ended at 11h30 yup and we still had over and hours drive home, it was a long day.
Anyway the 3 bigger kids all slept most of the trip home but Amber, my 2 year old was not going to miss a thing, we got her in bed at 12h45, can you believe that ? I think she is going to be our night owl for sure and I thought Jade was our night owl !!!
Thank God everyone slept till 9am Sunday, Amber woke first (again can you believe that) ? And I let her go wake the rest and none of them were too happy for the first while. Thankfully Amber took a very long nap that afternoon so that was good, while I took the 3 kids to a pool party, Dave waited for Amber to wake and then joined us for a short while at the pool.
We really had a fun filled weekend but golly by Monday I needed a weekend !!! Our turn next ... I need to start planning. Can't believe June is almost over, so Dave and I will take a trip somewhere mid July (think after this I should get Dave to plan the weekend - hehehe) and then August for two weeks we are in Florida and when we arrive back my girlfriend Leanda will come down for a week with her family from Torronto in Canada, Jade and I will spend a weekend with them in Myrtle Beach, I am excited about that, it will be a good treat for Jade and I to have some quality time alone. Leanda has two kids close in age to Jade so I am sure we will all have a blast.
Lot's of travel to look forward to, can't wait :-)
That's it for now.
1 comment:
fantastic shot upskirt
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