This yeah Dave decided to make our Memorial Weekend an extra long one for him and he took Friday off which was cool coz that meant we could go into the city for Speedstreet early in the day when we usually go after her gets off work. I think we will do this every year, it was just more fun making a day out of it. We actually parked our car in Pineville and caught the new light rail into the city which was a fun new trip for us too, the scenery isn't great on route but still it was a new adventure and that is all that mattered, also we didn't have to find parking near Speedstreet and walk a mile to get to where we wanted to be, the light rail dropped us really near all the goings on, so that was good too :-)
What was also nice is it wasn't so crowded as it is late afternoon and evening, ok the atmosphere isn't as great as it is normally that time of the day but still I think this was better. It wasn't as noisy either because in the evenings the bands have all started playing and when we were there they really were just setting up. I was glad we weren't going Saturday evening as Kelly Pickler was going to be there and that would just have been madness.
Obviously being a Nascar event there was tons of Nascars around to see, you could also stand in mile long lines to get your picture taken with drivers and to get their autographs. I think I had my fill of that in Disney ... never again !!!
This one was a little out of place but here's Dave checking out a drag car ... I think !!!
At these events there is always tons of Law Enforcement which I love since I have always had a thing for men in uniform (hehehe). Here are some of Charlottes finest :-)
This one's for Gavin :-)
Here is a picture of Jade with the tattoo she wanted and I can't believe daddy actually paid for. I love that she chose a unicorn, ok mom helped influence her but still she liked this one and she is excited it stays on for 3 or 4 days ... we will see !!!
There are also tons of characters walking around which I guess after Disney Jade was really not interested in but someone this one she had to high five and say hi to :-)
Ok and this one is for those of you that felt sorry for Dave when I said that I was oogling the guys in uniform ... there was tons of this around for Dave too :-)
Then there were the extreme opposites to see too ... the old bikes ...
And the new :-)
Now this last picture, they always give away freebies at these events, samples of everything and this year this was all we were given,if you wanted to stand in long lines for the better stuff then you would get tons more but hey ... don't you think we got enough, this is always fun for us to see how much we can collect :-)
So it's a long weekend, later today we are going to a Memorial Weekend BBQ at our friends Doug and Anna, they recently moved out of our neighborhood so we are off to their new house for the very first time. They didn't move far so that's good for us, it's Anna's birthday too so it should be fun, I think they are expecting about 25 - 30 people so there will be many kids for Jade to play with too.
Then tomorrow is my girlfriend Tina's youngest childs 2nd birthday, I can't believe Layla is 2 already, but we are going over there late tomorrow for coffee and cake, Jade loves going there, it's such a fun house for the kids.
And then Monday I think we are going to spend the day at the pool, I hope the weather is good :-)
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