Friday night was 'date night' so Dave and I went out to one of my favorite restaurants, The City Tavern for yummy pasta after which we went to see a movie, it was my choice of course and I picked well, but poor Dave was forced to go watch a chick flick, but he enjoyed it even though he won't of course admit it. We went to see Maid Of Honor with McDreamy in it, he is too cute, although I am sure one of his first movies in which he played this nerdy pizza guy keeps on sticking in my mind so he is definitely not my number one actor ... but thinking about it, I actually don't know how is !!!
Then yesterday I pretty much did my usual weekend clean up and shopping so that I had Sunday free, it was a beautiful day here so Jade was outside playing with the kids all day. Oh Dave got his new bicycle this weekend so he went for a quick ride, I didn't hear any complaints so I guess he is happy with it.
And finally today was Mothers Day, there was great excitement as Jade had made me many cards and a really cute stepping stone for the garden, I cannot believe daddy was so creative this year, I am impressed, I totally love it :-) Also I got to sleep late while the two of them made me breakfast in bed, this took forever which was funny coz I thought I was going to get bacon and eggs and wondered what my kitchen would look like when I came downstairs but I got toast with jam and cheese and a big glass of orange juice, all of which apparently Jade did herself, so cute, she was so proud of herself.
I got two beautiful bunches of flowers, one mixed bunch and the other was just a variety or carnations, I love carnations, I also got a few other things so felt utterly spoilt. We took it slow the morning, changed our spare room around which I have been wanting to do for a while so that was cool, then we got showered and done and went out for some bowling, Jade had never bowled in the adult lanes before so this was a treat, we of course had the bumpers up but even so she did so well I could hardly believe it, mommy had to play especially hard so she wasn't beaten by Jade and well daddy didn't get the memo that it was Mothers Day and wiped the socks of us both, I think now coz he plays league at work that he feels he has to always show us up :-( But we had great fun.
Afterwards we went and had a bite to eat and then it was home sweet home. What a nice day ... thoroughly enjoyed by all. Oh by the way, apparently Dave had a nice day planned for today but the weather today wasn't great and even though it didn't rain today as much as what it was suppose to, he didn't want to take the chance and spoil the day ... which is why we spent the day indoors. He won't tell me what the plans were coz he wants to keep it for another occasion so I guess I will just have to be patient and wait and see, either way I am impressed with the effort put in this year :-)
Ok you never really see pics of me so enjoy them while you can ... I know ... I need a serious tan but hopefully that will come soon since the pools here are slowly but surely starting to open, although it hasn't been too hot here to date.
Wow, I can't believe Jade has one more full week of school and then she is done on the 21st of May until she starts Kindergarten in the Fall, sometime in August. Anyway this is a fun week for the kids and Jade is very excited, Monday it is Hat Day and although we looked for someone with one of those funny South African hats we didn't get lucky so we are just wearing a pretty one that she picked out.
Tuesday is Tacky Day, no not Sneaker Day like I am sure most South Africans reading this would have thought ... it is a day where you need to dress as ugly as possible, now this is going to be a hard one for me to pull off, but we will see what we will do ... I need to give this much thought.
Wednesday is Inside Out Day which speaks for itself, everything worn must be inside out. Jade thinks this is the funniest one.
Thursday is Crazy Hair Day and although she wants me to put pink streaks in her hair I think since her hair is so long that I might try and do the Pippy Long Stocking (spelling ?) hair style but we will see.
And finally Friday is PJ Day which they have had before but in Winter so since it is warmer now, Jade wants to wear PJ's that look like a dress so we will see what we can do :-) It should be a fun day for all though.
Sunday is their end of school program, I will try and take a video again to post on here for y'all to see.
Other than all this excitement for the week, we have her gymnastics observation day on Tuesday too, where they get graded and the folks can come see what all they do during the lessons and of course how much they have learnt since our last viewing, they will also get trophy's. I am not sure if I mentioned this before but I am taking Jade out of her usual gymnastics class and in the Fall I am putting her into a trampoline and tumbling class that she wants to do, so we will see how that goes.
Also this week I need to seriously work on Camps for the Summer since I haven't booked her in anywhere yet, hold thumbs I can still get her in somewhere.
Anyway all that is left to say is, Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there, hope you had as nice a day as I have had. Thanks Dave and Jade for making my day so special, I love you guys :-)
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