Friday, September 18, 2009

The Start Of Fall ...

Yep, Fall is definitely in the air !!! Still some warm afternoons but we are definitely on our way out of Summer and even though our pool is still open, I don't think we will be going again, with the cooler mornings and night, although not cold at all, the pool water will be really cold !!! With all the threat of flu around, well we are all just trying to be careful. We have been advised for Dave, Jade and I to go for the flu shot this year, for Amber's sake, well you are going to have to drag me there kicking and screaming but of course I will do it for Amber.

Here's a quick pic I took of her in the bath this morning, her neck is really really bad again, so I took a lot more but I was just so saddened by the neck issue in all the pics that this is the only one I am going to publish.

Went out and bought a yoga ball to exercise her on, that is what they use at physio, I have to get her back on track before our next visit next Wednesday, hold thumbs.

We might go back to the Fair again tomorrow, will have to wait and see what the weather does, we are expecting rain. Then I am excited Sunday I am going to the Southern Woman Show which I went to last year for the first time and enjoyed. I told Dave I am going for the day that I needed a break, things just seem to be rush rush rush all the time for me lately and I just wanted to take a day well it's actually only a half a day from 11 ish till 5 and I probably won't stay the entire time but just wanted a go slow day and a chance to recharge for the next rushed week.

Anyway nothing else, have a good weekend.

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