We pretty much hung out at home and relaxed most of the morning, here are some pics taken of the girls before the birthday pics.
Again the head is to the wrong side ... again a tired time, it's amazing no matter how strong she gets she still goes that way when she is tired.
I love these birthday pics, I think they are some good ones of the three of them :-)
Later the afternoon we went to the pool for a Labor Day pool party, we told Jade the party was for daddy's birthday so she said we had to get cake so I bought some cupcakes and some other party goodies and shared it with the neighbors at the pool and she was happy. It was a nice afternoon, the pool was crowded which surprised me coz it had been chilly the past few days and the pool was really cold but everyone was in and having a good time. There was a DJ playing lively music and there were tons of pool games and prizes, Jade even won a skipping prize which she was so excited about.
Anyway we had a fun and relaxing day, Dave actually slept most of the day, snoozed, said it has something to do with getting old but oh well, it's his birthday so I gave him that luxury, not sure if I would ever be paid back the favor but anyway.
Monday was Labor Day and we went off to Concorde Mills to change out some sizes in shoes I had bought him, had lunch there and then came home and just did stuff around the house getting ready to be back at school and work again.
It was a fun weekend though, I hope Dave had a good time. Thanks to all that contacted him to wish him, I am sure it meant a lot to him.
This coming weekend we are going to the Cabarras County Fair which we try and do every year as well, we love it, Jade is very excited so we hope the weather holds, we have already bought tickets, gosh hope Amber manages the day too, should be interesting, we'll see. I am sure I will take pics there and you will get to see them :-) until then ... have a good week further.
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