I cannot believe the last two months have just flown by and well the New Year is almost here ... what a year this has been, what with a new house which meant new neighbors, new friends a new school, which thank God Jade loves, then along came Amber 3 weeks early but not a day too soon after a long three years of waiting for her arrival. With her came a couple of medical challenges which thankfully are now a thing of the past too but lots of other change, change which we are taking one day at a time and thank God have survived them all so far and can you believe she is 7 months already ?
Wow she is 7 months and Jade just turned 7 years old, how crazy is that ? So after Amber's Birth we had my folks come out for six weeks, my cousin Karen and her family for a week and now sooner were they gone and we took a wonderful trip to San Diego and well then Summer was almost over, never had a Summer flown by quiet as fast as this one did.
Then more recently we had Dave's folks here for almost 4 weeks, we squeezed in as much as possible for them to see which included the Renaissance Festival, The Southern Christmas Show both which Karen my cousin managed to attend too while she visited for another week (wow how spoilt am I two visits from her in one year !!!) Dave and Jade also took them down to Myrtle Beach for a weekend which wasn't great weather wise unfortunately but they did get to see the Dixie Stampede which was their main goal. Then they saw gosh, every mall close to us, experienced Black Friday from a distance babysitting while Dave, Karen and I did all our Christmas shopping. They experienced an American Thanksgiving which for us this year was awesome having so many family members join us at the table. They saw the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Christmas Lights setup as well as McAddenville which is Christmas Town USA. Then I took them to not only the Church At Charlotte's Christmas Story presentation which they loved but I also took them to the Hickory Grove Baptism Church Christmas presentation which was mind blowing, now I think they know what Christmas over here is all about and why I love it so much. They also got to see our house decorated inside and well Dave's dad got to help with the lights outside, something I think he won't forget soon :-) Oh and they also got to have Breakfast with Santa at our Clubhouse which I had to miss coz it was on Jades birthday and I had to clean house and get ready, I guess that was a mom perk right ? Oh and they got to see Jades gymnastics observation day which was neat for them to see !!! Did I say I love this time of the year, it's my favorite time of the year !!!
We were also lucky to have them here for two big events, Jades 7th birthday which this year I decided to have a party at home, I must have been crazy but I thought it was a way for Jade to get to know her little friends here better and for me to meet them all too and some of the folks / neighbors too. Anyway it turned out well thankfully and I think fun was had by all. I brought in a face painter which was awesome and then got two of the young girls from my church to do nails and there was a craft too, they kids played upstairs mostly either in Jades playroom or on the Wii. There was lots of food so we all ate, drank and were merry :-) One of the girls that did the nails she is an awesome photographer too but I am still waiting for the disk of all the pics she took so when that arrives, I will add those pics so hang in there ok :-)
The other special event was Amber's Baptism which I don't have many pics of and well didn't even get pics of Amber alone in her Baptism dress ... I will have to put her in that dress again one of these days and take some pics. But yeah what a special day for Dave and I and again it was great to have family here to celebrate with us. Dave's dad stood in for Brent, Dave's cousin who is Amber's Godfather, he was living here in the States but his Visa expired and he had to move back to SA :-( and then my cousin Karen is Amber's Godmother, I have a pic or two that I will post below.
So yeah, I cannot believe all that is over with, golly !!! Can you tell it has been crazy busy here, thankfully now I am a break from work and well from Monday Jade is on a two week break from school too so it will be nice just to sleep in a bit in the mornings and just to take things easy, after this year, I think we all need it.
Here are a couple of pics, I will take a lot more in the next two weeks or so while I have more time on my hands and when I get those other birthday pics as well, I will post them too, I cannot wait to see all those.
Here are four of the Baptism ...
Then a few of Jade and Amber before going to have Breakfast with Amber, these are so cute :-)
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