Here is Jade, all through the party she had stuff added including purple lips which you will see later but I think like this it looked its best.
This is Jennifer, she lives 5 houses on from us, she is in Jades class at school as well so they are becoming steady friends. Jade was a little upset that everyone decided they liked her butterfly so they wanted a butterfly too, even though Lisa made everyones look different ... oh well !!!
This is Vincent, he lives across the road from us, he is exactly a year younger than Jade, his birthday is the day after Jades.
Here the kids were crafting, I got them a Christmas craft which wouldn't be too messy, it turned out well and I think they had fun :-)
This is my best friend Tina's youngest Layla, isn't she gorgeous, she is a lot younger than Jade but still they play well together.
This is little Faith, she lives 3 houses away from us, her brother Jacob who you will see a pic of later, is in Jades class at school. Faith is also a lot younger than Jade but there are so many boys here that hopefully the girls stick together later :-) Is she just not the cutest little thing ... by the way the girls also had their finger nails painted which is what she is showing off here as well.
I might have gone with the face painting and finger nails been painted for the girls ... but the party theme was Spongebob Squarepants very much to my disgust but he is Jades favorite right now and she thought it would appeal to all the boys coming and not frighten them off :-) So here is her birthday cake.
This is Andreau on the left (yep spelt right) and Jacob on the right, Jacob is Faiths brother and also in Jades class. Andreau is Jades new little boyfriend, he is such a cutie, I really like him, he is very polite and well mannered, he lives three houses away in another direction and is also in Jades class. He was one of the boys that was too cool to have his face painted but we talked him into a tattoo later :-)
A painted tattoo on Jades hand, I love it, this girl is so good !!!
Here Jade is blowing out her candles and the kids are singing to her, here she has the purple lips, oh gosh please don't let my child grow up to be one of those goth kids, it looked yuck !!!
A rare family pic :-)
And unfortunately these weren't all the kids but some of the kids at the party, I had a friend that works with me at the church take pics, I think she did a great job, thanks Ruth Anne. She took tons more but I didn't want to add too many here.
Well that's another birthday behind us ... Happy Birthday my big seven year old. I love you lots.
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