Jade with her boombox for her bedroom from Mommy and Daddy.
Amber just starting to learn how to tear things open ... too slow for Jades liking though.
One of the gifts from Granny and Grampa, a stamping set which has kept her busy a good deal of the afternoon but now she wants mommy's stamps and her good ink but I will need to find them, I think they are in one of the few boxes I still have not unpacked since we moved.
A gift from Uncle Sion, Aunty Tiana and her cousins Jessica and Olivia. I know Amber will play with this a good deal as she likes things that make a crinckle kind of noise like this one does.
This was from my brother Gavin and his wife Gigi, you have no idea how much mommy appreciates this one, her old costume had gotten so small for her but she loved it so much there was not getting her away from it, now I can put that one away for Amber one day.
Amber looks so interested in what this one is (hehehe) this was a gift that big sister Jade was more interested in, it's a dual headrest dvd player for the car so now they can both watch movies comfortably in the car and hopefully not bug mommy so much.
Amber trying to see all her new stuff, that ball in the front is pretty cute it has a weight type thing inside and other than being bloody noise like most baby toys are, it wobbles around by itself and is suppose to encourage the baby to follow it which is pretty neat right now while Amber is learning to crawl. The ball and the other Baby Einstein toy is also from Gavin and Gigi.
This is a neat Tinkerbell lunch box, Jade has one that recently actually broke, not to the extent that it couldn't be used anymore but now she has an excuse to replace it :-) This is another gift from the Stanton family.
This one has a cute story behind it, a note came home from school asking us if we wanted to participate the kids were doing a neat math lesson, we could send some money with the kids to school and they were allowed with the money to buy gifts for their family, the gifts ranged from $1 upwards so we gave Jade some money and well just thought we would wait and see what she brought home. Most of the gifts were definitely things Jade liked for herself I think (hehehe) but this little one she bought especially for Amber, it has a flashing light inside, it's probably not the safest gift but while supervised Amber had lots of fun with it, in fact I think it was her favorite gift which is just priceless.
The ball gift from my brother and Gigi again, I just loved her face in this pic, it was a wow face, is this for me ?
Jade really got lucky with all the Tinkerbell stuff this year, that is for sure, this is actually a money box which I thought was so cute, she actually got two money boxes this Christmas but this was the pretty one for sure, it came from Oupa and Nana and the other one was one I bought her, it's an electronic one what counts your change as you put it in, I might claim that one for my own if it's not a hit with her (hehehe).
By this stage Amber had gotten in the spirit of tearing and opening and tasting of course, not sure if she likes the taste of wrapping paper or boxes but we knew they would be more of a hit than what was inside this year ...
Jade was very upset by the time she opened all her gift and she had gotten nothing from Santa, was almost in tears since she knew Santa had been coz she had opened Ambers gift from Santa which was a baby bicycle, so we said he must have left a note and we hunted round for a note which we eventually found next to his cookies and milk which said her gift for some reason was in the laundry, we figured she would better enjoy the other gifts if this one was left hidden till last. She got a Hannah Montana bicycle.
Ok so it's raining all day today so she has ridden her new bicycle and her skooter in the house not thrilling both her dad and I but hey ... what can you do. We told her tomorrow is another day and she has tons of other stuff to play with today which seemed to keep her happy and we can do the bike and skooter tomorrow.
Man this place was a mess this morning but it's not too bad now, you can hardly see Amber amongst all the paper and gifts.
The girls amongst all the gift received this morning.
Sisterly love ...
Dave and I got some nice gift too, Dave got an Xbox 360 from me as well as a moving dolly thingi, you know that thing that you pack heavy stuff on that makes it easy to move ... yeah I know not a great gift if you ask me but it was what he wanted amongst other little things. I got a Notebook (mini laptop) that I wanted, which will make it easier for me to keep up to date while chasing Amber all over the show around here and I got a wok that I wanted too amongst other little things, so everyone is happy !!!
So that is another Christmas over and done with, can't believe it ... best start saving for next year now !!! Merry Christmas to you all.
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