Not that I ever get much time to play on the computer anymore, I have created this blog to brag about the things that mean the most to me in life, firstly my husband, David and then close runners up are my daughters Jade that is 10 years old and Amber who is 4. This is just a way for all our family and friends in South Africa to keep up to date with our lives over here in the States. Hope you enjoy it.
Yep, Fall is definitely in the air !!! Still some warm afternoons but we are definitely on our way out of Summer and even though our pool is still open, I don't think we will be going again, with the cooler mornings and night, although not cold at all, the pool water will be really cold !!! With all the threat of flu around, well we are all just trying to be careful. We have been advised for Dave, Jade and I to go for the flu shot this year, for Amber's sake, well you are going to have to drag me there kicking and screaming but of course I will do it for Amber.
Here's a quick pic I took of her in the bath this morning, her neck is really really bad again, so I took a lot more but I was just so saddened by the neck issue in all the pics that this is the only one I am going to publish.
Went out and bought a yoga ball to exercise her on, that is what they use at physio, I have to get her back on track before our next visit next Wednesday, hold thumbs.
We might go back to the Fair again tomorrow, will have to wait and see what the weather does, we are expecting rain. Then I am excited Sunday I am going to the Southern Woman Show which I went to last year for the first time and enjoyed. I told Dave I am going for the day that I needed a break, things just seem to be rush rush rush all the time for me lately and I just wanted to take a day well it's actually only a half a day from 11 ish till 5 and I probably won't stay the entire time but just wanted a go slow day and a chance to recharge for the next rushed week.
Saturday we went off to the fair for the day, headed out as early as possible only to get there and realize that it only opened at 1 so we went to have lunch quickly and then entered for a fun filled day. What we also found out is that between 1 and 3entry was free, but unfortunately to save some money we had bought tickets the weekend before at Concord Mills so ... oh well, I think if the weather is good we will just go again next weekend, I know Jade will love that :-)
I am going to keep this short as there are tons of pics, we bought Jade her usual all you can ride ticket and since this year she qualified to go on so much more than last year she really had a ball. I will also show you some pics of the rides she wanted to go on but thank God was too short for but I guess by next year there will be no stopping her. She might have my personality but my golly she has Daves fearlessness.
This one wasn't too bad, it was a handglider ride,I had not seen this before, I was a little worried coz I didn't feel that she was tied in securely but I am sure those guys know their jobs but still she was just so little but anyway she enjoyed it and as much as I told her to hold on, you can see her doing her little Titanic interpretation !!!
Good old bumper cars ...
This is a ride that starts off going forward but eventually stops and goes backwards, not something I would have enjoyed but Jade loved it, it goes so fast in the end that you can hardly see her go by but if you look carefully you will see her hands up in the air.
Nothing fancy about this one, it just goes up slowly and then drops and leaves your tummy up there :-)
Just a spinning ride.
Then the boat ride which was her absolute favorite, she is in the very back on the right and as fearless as she is, can you tell this ride was a little scary for her, she kept trying to take her hands off the bar and put them in the air but as the boat went higher she became more reluctant (hehehe) for those that have been on this ride, I am sure you will know how brave this little 6 year old was to do it all on her own, my gosh !!! Mommy was sitting down below very nervous of her little one up there in the air :-(
These were three rides that I did not want her to do, thankfully she was not tall enough to go on them anyway but next year there will be no stopping her although I can't say I will be excited about her going on any of them, we will see !!! She might have my personality but definitely has dads fearlessness ... if by the way I repeat anything in here it's coz we lost connection for a while and I was too lazy to go back and see what was and was not lost :-(
Then there was this guy, he did chainsaw art, he was amazing, I have a short vid to show you him getting started and some of his finished products, the unpainted ones were the ones he was doing at the show, the bird one that was amazing I think he did before the show, not sure, just was intrigued by him.
Jade playing in the corn.
Dave and Amber.
My favorite people in the world.
Tricycle riding.
And that's pretty much it. Jade starts Faith Formation tonight and we will have to see how that goes, it's from 6h30 - 7h45 which I am not thrilled about coz Jade is usually asleep then already but oh well what must be done must be done right.
Thankfully not too busy a week considering nights have not been fun lately with Amber waking up so much for her pacifier, we have had two not so bad nights now in a row so I pray that we are over the hurdle on this one but man I hate the baby phase, thank God she is such a smiley baby so it make an often grumpy situation not half as bad :-)
Back to the Fair on Saturday and we will see what else the week brings, take care.
One afternoon while waiting for Jade to come home and while Amber was sleeping ... I had so much to do around here but was just worn out and wanted some down time so I found this online photo thingi and was messing around, this is what I came up with, hope you enjoy them ...
This one is for Dave ... yep Angelina right :-) Happy Birthday Baby !!!
One of Amber ...
This one didn't come out quite right ...
I love this one, Jade thought it was for real :-)
This one looks like she could be advertising something in a store right :-)
Just a cute one ...
Jade like this one too, she thought it was for real too.
Knew Dave would like this one ... :-)
And my brother this one ... How about it Gav ?
Another Amber one ...
Wishful thinking I know ... but come on, let a girl have some fun too right ?
My Superman !!!
My man on the moon ...
This one is just weird right ?
One of my angels.
I tried to put the award up Dave but man ... it wouldn't let me go more than that :-( sad !!!
Another weird one ...
I loved these old ones :-)
I am no Marilyn that's for sure ...
Kinda liked this one (hehehe).
Another gallery one.
Jade liked the ones that made her look famous.
This is Daves Christmas Card this year :-)
Ok I saved the best till last ... look at that bod, and I don't mean the guy, this is inspiration for you and I like the long hair, makes me look younger :)
Ok enough fun, I never thought I would get all that done but I did and now I am truely worn out and am going to go relax the rest of the evening.
Remember to scroll down coz there is tons of stuff below you won't have seen.
Not much to write about today since most the excitement happened yesterday. We got up early to give Dave his gifts, nothing too exciting on that front either, more just stuff he needed.
We pretty much hung out at home and relaxed most of the morning, here are some pics taken of the girls before the birthday pics.
Again the head is to the wrong side ... again a tired time, it's amazing no matter how strong she gets she still goes that way when she is tired.
I love these birthday pics, I think they are some good ones of the three of them :-)
Later the afternoon we went to the pool for a Labor Day pool party, we told Jade the party was for daddy's birthday so she said we had to get cake so I bought some cupcakes and some other party goodies and shared it with the neighbors at the pool and she was happy. It was a nice afternoon, the pool was crowded which surprised me coz it had been chilly the past few days and the pool was really cold but everyone was in and having a good time. There was a DJ playing lively music and there were tons of pool games and prizes, Jade even won a skipping prize which she was so excited about.
Anyway we had a fun and relaxing day, Dave actually slept most of the day, snoozed, said it has something to do with getting old but oh well, it's his birthday so I gave him that luxury, not sure if I would ever be paid back the favor but anyway.
Monday was Labor Day and we went off to Concorde Mills to change out some sizes in shoes I had bought him, had lunch there and then came home and just did stuff around the house getting ready to be back at school and work again.
It was a fun weekend though, I hope Dave had a good time. Thanks to all that contacted him to wish him, I am sure it meant a lot to him.
This coming weekend we are going to the Cabarras County Fair which we try and do every year as well, we love it, Jade is very excited so we hope the weather holds, we have already bought tickets, gosh hope Amber manages the day too, should be interesting, we'll see. I am sure I will take pics there and you will get to see them :-) until then ... have a good week further.