Ok so neither Jade or I are morning people so we knew this getting up super early for school was going to be a challenge but we didn't realize how much of a challenge, even after getting here all packed the night before, ironing her clothing and even making her lunch, getting up at 6am is way too early for us. I think it's harder for me because I don't go to bed early but I think I am going to have to start trying to get to bed earlier.
Anyway her bus arrives at 6h53 but we need to be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes early which I thought was crazy since the bus would never be early only late well Friday proved us wrong, the bus came early and Jade missed the bus, thank God Dave was all ready for work and so he drove her to school, she still got there before school started thank Heavens but that taught us a lesson.
So I got her up early and had her sit down for breakfast, we never rush breakfast but she is such a slow poke that early in the morning, she did need a push to hurry up :-) Anyway by 6h40 she was dressed, we had taken a few pics ... sorry for the bad hair day but at that time of the morning, I wasn't going to do much more than you see here ... and then we were out the door.
Yep, Tinkerbell has been the hit for a while now as you might well remember from Halloween last year, who knows what we are going to be this year but it's almost time to get looking ... so off she went with her Tinkerbell book bag which is so big, how she is going to carry it full ... I don't know.
It was a yucky rainy morning, not cold but just wet and a terrible day to start school but anyway she was so excited to get on the school bus that she didn't care about the wet weather. I thought I would cry but I was so excited for her that there were no tears, I was nervous of course, gosh she is so little and off she goes on the school bus, how could I not be nervous but thank God she is such a confident child and I have always taught her never to be shy to ask for help so I knew she would be ok.
The bus drops her off again at 2h03 at the front of our apartment complex, I think this scared me more, at least in the morning you know they are going to the school but with there being stops in the afternoon well, I was petrified she would get off somewhere where she shouldn't even though I told her not to get off until she saw me and everyone told me the bus drivers would never let her off the bus till they saw me as well still it worried me. At the bus stop that morning she made friends with a girl a little older than her, Katie, and Katie offered to help her on and off that bus till she gets used to it so that made me feel a little better.
Well of course I asked her a billion questions when she got home and got so little out of her I was quite sad, but we even got a note home saying that is how it goes so not to be discouraged ... at least she told me she had fun and that she was excited to go again, she loved her teacher and so far had made a few friends, one kid was actually from her preschool and she didn't know he was going to be there let alone be in her class so she was happy with that. Also there would be kids from our old neighborhood that she would know when the class was full on the Friday so I knew she would be ok :-)
The first week went well, tiring but well so let's hope this is the start of a good school career :-)
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