We got a slow start, Jade woke us up very early, she is getting into the school routine but weekends are hard when she automatically wakes up at 6am ... something I definitely need to do something about, anyway since today was a special day, she and I went and got his gift bags and woke him up with the Happy Birthday song ... neither of us are ever going to be the next American Idols so I felt sorry for him being woken up to that but hey ... what can I say !!!
I tried to buy Dave a bunch of little goodies to make him feel special since the trip away was really his birthday gift, I think he was happy, what with a trip he enjoyed, all the little goodies the morning of, his nice new watch from his folks and a Black and Decker tool from my folks, I think he felt spoilt :-) I hope so.
I then made us breakfast and got us all ready to go to the Cabarras County Fair for a fun day ... Thank you to everyone that emailed, sms'd, called and even sent cards to make his day special, you guys are great !!! I also bought him a small birthday cake, here you can see him and Jade about to blow out the candles.
Then off to the Fair we went, Dave and I used to really like this Fair but somehow this year, I think we had just grown out of it and were ready for a nicer and much bigger Fair. We decided that we would find out when the North Carolina State Fair was going to be on and then we were going to take a road trip and go and see that one, it would be a weekend away since I think the Fair is in Raleigh but I still need to investigate more. Jade of course loves any Fair so we always get our money's worth with her :-) We always buy her the 'all you can ride' ride ticket, and we were there for about 7 hours and she just didn't stop, thankfully this being the first weekend the Fair was on, we didn't have to stand in too many lines, obviously the later you stayed the more the place filled up but how can you go to the Fair and not stay to see all the lights :-) I think we counted that she did about 14 different rides but did each of them 5 or more times, so non stop ... did I say non stop !!!
We always start with the livestock exhibits etc. Jade loves all the animals and there were tons of baby everything there this year, horses, cows, donkeys, there was even a pig that gave birthday which unfortunately we missed but we did get to see something that even I have never seen in my life which I was thrilled to bits we got to see, we actually watched chickens hatch, it took what felt like forever but we watched a little baby chick break it's way out of it's shell and come out into this big bad world for the first time ... it was amazing, brought tears to my eyes for sure, what an experience, I am sorry we missed the pigs though although I think that might be a conversation I don't yet want to have with my 5 year old no matter how smart she is !!! I wish I had videoed that, I didn't think of it but anyway we were glad to see that.
There was this little area for the kids to play in, above you can see her doing the milk can toss which none of us were very good at, but she enjoyed playing in the corn and even the hay, we stayed in there a good hour I think.
What was funny though is she had an opportunity to milk a live cow and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with that, she even said she wasn't sure whether she wanted to ever drink milk again ... don't blame her on that one (hehehe), anyway in this little interactive play yard above you can see there was this mock cow milking station and she totally loved that ... I thought I might be able to talk her into actually doing the real thing after that, but no way ... she was not budging (hehehe).
Then it was first off to see the pigs racing which she got a good kick out of and then off to the circus which isn't a real circus but a family that does a whole bunch of different acts. They even included their 5 and 3 year old in their trampoline act and since Jade is now in a trampoline and tumbling class, she could really have done all those kids did so asked me ... Mommy do you think I can join the circus too, now what is a mom to say to that ?
After that there was this really hickville show going on, mainly aimed at the kids but here you can see her on stage with them, she and a group of kids played along on a soap board, it was pretty cute actually :-)
The next few are just some of her on some of the many rides she went on.
After all the coasters she went on in Disney, these little ones were no big deal for her :-)
Oupa you better get your boat ready coz she loved this ride, unfortunately this was one of the rides that just had a crazy long line so she only went on this one once.
This one is always a favorite of Jades :-)
Anyway we left just before 9pm but it was a good long ride home, she fell asleep on the way which is very unusual for her these days so I knew she was totally worn out !!!
Sunday afternoon we went to Tina's house and between she and I we organized a little party for Dave including a cute ice cream cake ... we are really spoilt to have such great friends, thank you Tina, we love you guys !!!
And that was the end of yet another birthday weekend, how is it he always seems to get a birthday weekend ... not fair right !!!
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