Anyway we got there early because the doctors offices had moved and they were running late so we had a long wait, the nurse then took her height which is 44 1/2 inches and her weight was 50 pounds on the dot. That brought her to 75 percentile for height and weight which was fine as far as they were concerned.
She then had an eye exam and well ... that didn't go too well I am sad to say. Jade I have always thought had the most amazing eyes, she can find the smallest thing at a glace and the tiny bugs she sees that we almost can't, I always thought her eyes were amazing, well apparently at her last exam her eyes were amazing, she saw two rows lower than she needed to on the chart which made her eyes be above average and today, although they weren't too bad, they were far worse than last time which the doctor was concerned about. Now I think that it was more about the fact she has been out of school two weeks now and she has perhaps forgotten some of her letters, I hope that is it but they want us to go see an eye specialist so that we will do over the next while, please say a prayer all turns out well.
Then they asked her a bunch of questions, like name, middle name and last name, her phone number which thank God we practised in the car over there, can she spell her last name, that too we practised (hehehe) and a bunch of other thing, they asked her to give them a couple of opposites which she was confused at because we really haven't done that but when the doctor said, big and she said small and she said tall and Jade said short, they were happy with that :-)
Then she had to have an hemoglobin finger prick which I had not banked on but that went well, in fact Jade watched it all and even laughed that it was not sore which amazed me but then all of a sudden fear overcame her and she totally freaked out, started crying and saying she didn't want the shots, this surprised me. Well it was all downhill from there, she screamed bloody blue murder for each of the 4 shots she had, it was over quickly but she screamed so loud, I am amazed. Thank God she calmed down quickly and now seems fine. She had already taken off all her bandaids and seems fine, especially since I bought her a new craft and all. But my golly what an experience, thank God there are no more shots till she turns 11.
Unless I take more pics in the morning, this might be the last time you see that long beautiful hair. I had planned on growing it another inch before cutting it because I didn't want to have it cut too short when we cut off the 10 inches for Locks of Love but after a weekend at the pool, Dave said, it's time to just cut it off. He is probably right considering her hair that we are going to donate will probably get ruined from the pool in the Summer, this way at least the hair we send them will still be in good shape.
So tomorrow, Tuesday, we are off for that big step ... I know as much as it is going to make our lives so much easier, I probably will cry when they cut it off, I did when we had that first cut just before my brothers wedding, that was terrible. Anyway Jade is very excited, both at donating the hair to a good cause and just, she is really excited to have shorter hair.
We are going to have it cut at Sweet and Sassy, that too has raised huge excitement because she has wanted to go there in forever, it is a salon for little girls where they get pampered with haircuts, make up and manicures and pedicures. If you have your hair cut there for Locks of Love the cut is free which is amazing since you are dealing with really good hairdressers but they are doing it for the cause too so I think I will treat Jade to some of the other treatments there just because this is such a special thing she is doing and well for me, I think just to soften the trauma ... for me :-)
Of course I will take photo's and send them as soon as possible but hold thumbs that we get a nice cute cut, that just scares me, you never know what you are going to get ???
So keep a lookout for the 'modelling' pics tomorrow.
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