Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cheerleader In Training ...

Here are just two pics of Jade in her cheerleading outfit she wore today, this is not an outfit that she got especially for this camp, I bought it ages ago to add to her dress up collection but she was adamant that she wanted to wear it today, oh well it couldn't hurt so I let her :-) what was funny is I could tell she knew she won that argument (hehehe).

She is really enjoying the camp and is exhausted at the end of every day, I can't wait to see what they put on for the parents on Friday, it should be very cute, I will try and video some of it if I can :-) and I remember to take the camera.

Then this was taken quickly this evening before she went off to Vocational Bible School, she is really having fun there too :-) and going off to sleep really quickly after getting home. Pam of course has spoilt her two nights in a row now, they finish off at 8h30 but she has taken them for ice cream both nights before bringing her home, Jade thinks she is in heaven :-)

Last but not least, another camp Jade will be attending is at the church I work at in the week, on a Wednesday night, I will be helping out at the camp for a week in July and this means that Jade can attend the camp which is a Music and Drama camp which I think will be fun for her so so far, the camps are really working out nicely.

That all being said I thought it was so funny, yesterday she cried because she wanted to go house hunting with me, I wasn't actually going house hunting but she thought I was going to do it without her while she was doing her cheerleading camp, can you believe that, she is excited about house hunting ... you would think going for 7 hours on a Saturday would be enough for her but obviously not, it's cute though, that she is so into it :-) !!!

Until next time ...

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