Firstly Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there, hope you had a great day or Fathers Day weekend :-)
Ok let me back track a little, I cannot believe another week has flown by, Jade and I spent the majority of the week at the pool, we would spend mornings sorting out the house or going shopping or running odd errands but most afternoons we would spend at the pool, either our community pool or at the YMCA pool which Jade totally loves. This week she got qualified to go down the big slides, she was so proud of herself since she was one of the youngest that day going down the slide. To qualify you have to come down the slide and the tread water for 30 seconds in a 6 foot pool without touching the side and then you need to swim to the ladder furthest away. She didn't get the concept of treading water but with mommy's coaching on the side she passed with flying colors and spent the rest of our time at the pool going up and down. Now don't laugh but it was such a hot day mommy joined her and she and I had so much fun racing each other down the slide, there are two side by side and we would start together, she would always win because I would take the longest slide so she was so chuffed with herself that she was always the fastest :-)
Friday Jade and I did a lot of driving around in the morning looking at model houses and looking at new neighborhoods, I try and get out and see as much as possible during the week so that on Saturday when Dave is with me, I can narrow down the field a bit. The afternoon we went to the pool, we have been meeting my friend Pam and her son Anthony there quite a bit which has been nice, they moved out of our neighborhood into a neighborhood that doesn't have a pool so it's nice for them too to have a place to come frequently, I mean we are there all the time, so the company for us is good too. Anthony and Jade are the same age but are now slowly but surely starting to play better together, I don't know what has been up with the two of them.
Anyway after work Dave joined us at the pool, this was a nice surprise and we hung out there till 8pm, there was almost no one at the pool, it was amazing to have the place to ourselves. Next Friday night is a night swim, the pool normally closes at 8pm but on night swim nights they put the pool lights on and you can swim till 10pm, we try to always take advantage of that so we are looking forward to it.
Well Saturday was a very long day, we got a very late start to our house hunting as Dave went riding with some buddies and didn't get home till almost 12. Anyway we house hunted for about 6 hours can you believe that, thank God Jade is enjoying all this for the most part, we play games with her to go find 'her' room etc. and try and not make it too boring but eventually she starts to take strain and well after that long so were Dave and I. We saw many nice houses this Saturday, one we totally loved but we think it is out of our price range, we would love to make an offer on it but with our current house not being on the market, it's difficult to decide what to do. We really need to pick up the pace and complete all that needs to be done on our house and put it on the market, it would make all this so much easier. We need to either do that or decided we will rent our house when we find a house we love, that would be a wise decision in the market right now but still renting to me is such a risk, Dave doesn't think it is but I just don't know ... hopefully in time things will fall into place.
I think the thing that concerns me the most now is Jades schooling ... but I guess we will deal with that when the time comes, for now she is going to Matthews Elementary and if we land up moving before school starts we will just register in the school that is closest to us, if it lands up being after she starts school we will have to decide on whether to move her or not ... and I really don't want to move her but not moving her just makes things more complicated. I am trying to believe that things happen for a reason and let's just wait and see but all that know me know I am a total control freak so all this is tough :-(
Ok so now to Fathers Day, Jade and I snuck down early this morning to make daddy bacon, eggs and cheese on toast and of course he got his fruit juice and coffee too :-) what a treat, Jade so enjoyed helping me put that one together. Then we took it up to him and while watching him eat and in between bites he opened his gifts, a new cycling outfit, Gavin he finally has proper mountain biking shorts :-) and a cycling top so we are getting there. Then a new thermal mug for the pool and a Shop-Vac which is a wet / dry vacuum especially for his garage, all things he hinted for so hopefully we hit the nail on the head and he feels like he hit the jackpot :-)
After that we got ready slowly and got the car packed for a day trip to the lake, Cain Creek Lake, Dave had wanted to go try out their cycling routes so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity, Jade and I could camp out at the lake while he rode his bike and then he could join us when we was done. We got a nice spot under the trees which was great because Dave doesn't like being in the sun all day and well I needed a break from the sun every day and well we could see Jade in the water right in front of us. Lake water is so not my thing but it made for a nice change, Dave enjoyed his bike ride and then him and I pretty much just hung out watching all the goings on from our seats, Jade made lots of new friends which was nice too as it gave Dave a break from having to swim with her all the time :-) so we all had a really nice day there. We were there from about 12 ish till about 5h30'ish.

After getting home we all took showers quickly and went out for a bite to eat, a quick dinner which we all enjoyed and then really it was home and bed time for Jade, what a nice day we had :-) I hope Dave had as a good a day and I think he had :-)

We are all still getting used to Jades short hair, I think she is loving it the most, not once has she said she misses her long hair and the way she swings this style around, I can tell she just loves it. To me it takes more time, every morning I need to work it a little to make it look just right but it's getting easier. Dave says it's a lot easier but I think he misses her long hair even though he was the one that encouraged me to go and get it cut earlier than I had planned. He thinks she looks too boy'ish but Jade couldn't look boy'ish if she tried right now she has turned into such a girlie girl and I really think the cuts suits her too. I bet he will be the first to complain when it gets too long again :-) let's see ...

I love these pics of her and Dave, we take so many pics of her that when we take pics of us with her, I always think we should take more, we really only do that one family pic a year too ... shame on us !!!

Come on ... can you tell she loves the hair ... I think it is so funny but cute !!!

As for the plan for the rest of the week, lots and lots more pool time. It is back to work for me on Wednesday night after having three weeks break but I am looking forward to getting back, I think Jade does too, she loves hanging out with the kids at the church.
We also want to get to the library some time this week so she can be enrolled for the Summer reading program which she did last year and enjoyed. We also have lunch with a new South African we have have come across on Friday so that's something that might be fun too :-) But mostly it is pool pool and more pool time planned for the next week.
Some exciting news is that the week afterwards Jade is going on a cheer leading camp, I think I might have mentioned that, I was looking for a camp for July and August and found one for August, its a High School Musical camp, she is going to love that too, now it's just to find one for July :-) Wish me luck.
Ok that was a long enough update, have a great week.