Just wanted to quickly add these four pics that I took yesterday morning ... yep mom that is the top you bought her just before we left, I love that color on her.
Anyway two more sleeps and then we are off on our long trip up to get my cousin Karen, Jade will actually be spending two days at my good friend Tina, thank God for Tina ... anyway I didn't do the math right and the trip is going to be a lot longer than I thought, we will leave about 5am on Saturday morning and if we are lucky we will get back just before midnight on Saturday night. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we take this journey so that we might arrive back safe.
We are all beside ourselves with excitement :-) More after they arrive.
Ahh yeah, she has the famous Kropman cheeks eh :)
Her hair seems to grow so quickly, seems like just the other day you cut it short. Then again time does fly!!! Have a very safe trip and take it easy, rather safe than sorry and rather arrive late than not at all!!!
Have fun!!!
Tracy Jade gets more beautiful everyday! Remember when she was pulling that gorgeous hair out?? and you were frantic..but it grows back! See your trip went fine as well. Have a blast with all of your family with you! Love you and miss you.
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