I can't remember how early Jade got up, of course it was too early for me but I don't think it really was that early, she has a long Christmas Eve and totally wore herself out so thankfully she slept in a little. It helps when it stays dark till almost 8am not like in SA where the kids get up when the sun comes up which is way, way too early for me, so there's another good reason to be enjoying Christmas in Winter and not Summer :-) Anyway as soon as she woke us we head on down to the Christmas Tree, the funny thing is and I have no idea where this came from, she saw all the presents and was totally wowed like most kids but then walked to the window and looked out and sadly said, but it's not snowing !!! I am not sure where she got the idea from that it would be snowing here on Christmas morning but she was most upset there was no snow that morning !!! Poor thing !!!

We took many photos of course of her opening gifts but there is just too many to post here, if you want a pic of her opening your gift, let us know and we will send it to you directly so as not to bore everyone else reading this ... more than I already am. She really got some great gifts, thank you to family in SA that took the time to sort her out with gifts, it means a lot to us, even Dave and I got some surprise gifts, thank you :-) Also thank you to some of our American 'family' and friends that spoilt her and us ... especially you Tina, thank you for everything !!! Opening gifts too probably a little over an hour, golly it took me twice that to wrap everything, it's kinda like lunch that takes you all day to cook and then it's all over in 30 minutes right, all you moms out there know what I mean !!! Anyway you can tell from the picture below, Jade was totally spoilt, we are still taking toys out of their boxes, I think it will take some time still but she is having fun playing with everything.
Now as you can tell from the picture below, Santa was good to Dave I too :-) I have realized after being with Dave for over 20 years of Christmas's that the best way to be spoilt by my Mr Scrooge is to give him my wish list ... don't laugh, it's true, I have hit the jackpot the past two Christmas's by doing so. I know it's way more than he would like to spend at any given time but again, you moms out there will know, we never get spoilt, so if we can make it happen for us at Christmas, well all the more power to us right ??? Well very little of my stuff is personal stuff anyway it's all for the house but stuff I know that he will love in time too. I got a fantastic griddle which I can't wait to use, it's almost like an indoor bbq, similar to the George Foreman grill but I think this one is better. Then I got a smoothie maker which I have wanted forever, goodbye old, messy blender !!! And then my surprise gift and this one really was a surprise since I mentioned it ages ago and he remembered, I got a oh my gosh, a 4 slice toaster that you need a degree to be able to work, it's a digital toaster, can you believe that ? Even Dave had to read the manual to figure out how it work, don't laugh, I am being serious !!! But I totally love it, in fact I had to put a pic of it in below too :-) I also got my usual Snow Babies that I collect, actually this year I got one from Dave, one from Jade and Tina also bought me one so I feel I hit the Snow Baby jackpot this year :-) Ok I know, I sound like I was more excited about my gifts than Jade but I love Christmas, it's the best time of the year for me so yeah I am excited :-)
Hopefully Dave also enjoyed his gifts, I gave him a bunch of goodies for his mountain bike, thanks Gavin for your help ... he got another hydration system from me, Camelbak for those that know it, cycling gloves and a cycle computer which he had no idea he was getting. He also got a new fancy leather jacket for work which was long overdue and a bunch of other little things, all in all I think we had a really good Christmas, now it's to be good for another year to stay off the 'naughty list' so Santa is good to us again next year :-) I think what was nice for me this year or actually the past two years is that with my jewelry business and the other side line goodies I do, finally I can buy Jade and Dave gift that I actually can pay for myself, I always felt really weird buying Dave gifts with his own money, I guess that the independent me talking, it's just really cool !!! And I am sure Dave enjoying that too (hehehe) not having to pay for his own presents !!!
Anyway after gifts we all got showered, I put my lamb in the oven and we walked down to TD and Sylvia and spent some time with them and their family, that was nice too, we really have made some good friends over here, we are so thankful for all of them. It was funny actually, TD called up the morning to tell Jade that Santa dropped one of her gifts of his sleigh and it landed in his garden so she was so very excited to go down here and see what it was but after getting down there, well the one gift and not even all the candy they had going there could keep her happy, she wanted to come home again, there was just too much here for her, she wanted to play with all her new toys, so we didn't land up staying as long as we had hoped to.

We then had lunch, late lunch and carried on unpacking all the toys, then when it got dark we went out and drove around and looked at all the houses done up for Christmas, I promised Jade we would do it Christmas night since we really hadn't done too much driving at night over this last month. She was tired quickly which was great, we came home and put her off to bed and can you believe that, that was another Christmas over with ?
I am actually updating this the 26th, so this morning Dave was off to work again like normal, that is something we miss about SA, they have so many days off there, it's unreal. Anyway and the 26th, other than Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, all the Christmas stuff is 50 % off today, by the weekend it will be 75 % off but then it will be slim pickings and by the following week everything will go to 90 % off till it's all gone. We went out this morning because I had some more lights I wanted to get which really you can only get today, tomorrow they will all be gone, I actually got lucky since we got a late start, I got everything I wanted except for another tree topper which I know ... I will get it one day, it will be one of those things, I will know it when I see it. But we got some nice lights for next year, and some nice Christmas tops for Jade for next year too so I am happy :-)
Oh golly I just went inside to check on Jade, it's just after 5 in the afternoon and she is sleeping, she is still worn out from the excitement the past couple of days, now I wish I could be curled up on the couch watching Tv or sleeping with a blanket over me ... anyway such is life.
Way too much of an update, I know but we really had a nice Christmas, thank you too, I didn't mention it but thanks to all the emailed, sent cards, especially those from SA, sms'd or texted us and especially all the calls we got yesterday, it's all of you that make Christmas so special.
No plans for New Years Eve thank Heavens, we could do with a break, I am sure I will update again soon. Bye for now :-)