Ok so these pics were all taken on the 4th of December and were taken for our Christmas card so I didn't want to add them here till everyone that was sent a card actually got one :-) But I took so sooooooo many but wanted to add a whole bunch here for the grandparents especially so if there were any more that you wanted to print other than what I sent you, you could use these or ask me to send you the good quality one :-) Here goes ... hope you are seated, there are a bunch of pics.
This one was taken while Jade was still getting ready, Amber wanted a candy, I must have been mad all dressed up and all and adding candy, not a good combination but anyway she had just woken up and was not a happy chappy so the candy helped.
Eventurally Jade joined us and the marathon photo shoot started.
Her hair came so pretty after I washed it this day, some days if I don't put product, yes you head me correctly, if I don't work with her curls she can have dead straight hair but so glad I got it looking pretty for these pics :-)
This is my absolute favorite, so many of these pics the girls have their faces all scrunched up, but this one is totally natural and I love it, best pic of this group by far.
Love these lying down pics too.
Gosh hate this growing out fringe phase :-(
Ok yes I know ... I need a bigger tree, the kids make my tree look even smaller than it really is but yeah we do need a bigger tree in this house anyway, maybe next year. A nice 12 footer would be great.
And the modeling starts, you had to be there, this was all too funny.
Jade doesn't realize that Amber is wearing most of her old Christmas dresses and she feel like Amber is being spoilt with all the dresses and she has none, so I went out and got this what I thought was a more age appropriate Christmas dress for her, she totally loved it :-) hopefully she will still fit into it next year to get some more wear out of it :-)
Ok where'd my tree go ?
OMG it was too funny Amber was trying to copy all Jades 'modeling skills' that she has learnt over the years with moms excessive photo sessions.
You can only imagine how funny this was for Dave and I to watch :-)
My sassy girl growing up so fast !!!
Even thought I got a gazillion pics that afternoon this sweet one below was just taken at the right time and I only have the one ... it was not prompted at all, Jade just turned and kissed her and the moment was over with before I knew it, definitely one of my favorites.
Look how Amber is looking at Jade ... she totally adores her yet they fight like cat and dog you can hardly believe it.
So sweet ... I think they were tired of the pics by this point.
Oh wait ... maybe just one or two more :-)
And the absolute last one of Christmas 2011 is ...
Now that took forever to load so I am done for today, have a couple more to post but maybe another day :-) Hope you enjoyed these.
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