Well after the Waxhaw Christmas Parade we were off to have cookies with Santa, yep it was a crazy long weekend full of cheer and Christmas.
Do you remember last year Amber wanted nothing to do with Santa, well I thought it might be the same this year coz after seeing all the characters at Carowinds, she really didn't want to get up and personal with any of them, she was happy to keep her distance. Anyway in the line outside we spoke with her and told her she needs to tell Santa what she wants for Christmas, not that she really understands it all but yeah we didn't hold much hope that she would really go sit on his knee or even get close to him. Then when it was her turn, I was holding her, I put her down and she walked right up to him and hopped on his knee and sat there a good while chatting with him, too funny, guess they will surprise you when you least expect it right ?
Thought this might be our last 'Santa' year with Jade but I think we might have one more at least with how this year went down. Anyway here she is chatting up Santa, her list was long so she took her time.
I need to look for it but I think I have this exact picture from last year, would be fun to compare.
Dave and Amber taking the train ride around the neighborhood.
Jade and one of her best friends Erin taking the train ride too. Erin came with us to McAddenville for Jades birthday too, always a fun trip for us all, only this year it rained so it wasn't quite as nice but still we had fun.
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