So we hung out there for the day but hit the road again before the traffic started, I didn't want to get caught in traffic, the road out there to me where a challenge, always very busy and I think they drive far faster there than by us, or it seemed that way, the roads are huge, sometimes with 5 or 6 lanes ... anyway outside the city was ok for me to negotiate but golly the city streets were a little scary for me, they have so many modes of transport that you are always watching out for these little bikes that transport two people in the back, then a train that travels by frequently, oh golly ... the city made me a nervous wreck but thank God we survived it.
Anyway, I didn't take many pics at Tania's place which was sad, I should have gotten a family pic but I think I was relaxing so nicely my brain took a break too. Thank you so much Tania for having us over, it was so nice spending time with y'all and we hope to be back one day to visit again. Wish there was some way to get you to us for a visit, maybe one Summer you could come across for a vacation ... hint hint.
On the way home we quickly stopped off at a local park so Jade could play a bit and well I needed to calm Amber down, she doesn't really like riding in the car so every trip was a screaming session which wore both Jade and I out big time. Anyway this park we were at, what was amazing to me is it is so close to the airport that the big planes come so low over the park it's almost scary and so very loud yet that didn't bother Amber at all. After that we were off to the hotel to wait for Dave.
Then on Friday Jade and I were going to go the Wild Animal Park which is partnered with the San Diego Zoo but yet the two of them are nowhere near each other, it would be my longest drive from the hotel alone which I wasn't too bothered about as long as I could get out of the city in one piece but when Dave said that he would be done shortly after 12 with his conference, I said I would rather hang around the hotel and have him go with us, than way he could help me out in the park with the girls ... I was excited !!! So we had a slow morning and then headed out once Dave got back to the room.
The Wild Animal Park was not as amazing as the zoo but it was still great, I am not going to write much about it, I am just going to add as many pics as I can ... so here goes.
Jades definitely got a thing for flamingos ... great pic of the two of them though.
A familiar South African face ...
There was this huge nest in the middle of this big water feature, the pelican on the right was actually sitting on an egg.
Some pretty birds ...
There were a couple of tours that you could take, we took a tram tour which drove us around the park and gave us a bit of info about all the animals we saw. I was amazed they used the Afrikaans names for most of the animals and pronounced them all pretty well, I was impressed :-)
You could also take a tour like this and get to feed some of the animals by hand but that would just be too hard for us all to do so we passed on that one, thankfully Jade was happy with the petting zoo so we were good :-)
This was definitely a different kind of petting zoo to the usual type, I am not sure Jade will get to touch animals like this very often, what a great experience.
Jade sitting in a nest ... cute house for a cute little girl right ?
Dave and Jade on the wild animal carosel.
After the park, we went off to Tanias house again for a BBQ or a true SA'n braai with steak and boerewors and home made potatoe salad, all very yummy. It also gave Dave and Rob a chance to meet and chat. Jade obviously had a great time with Talya too which wore her out enough thank God that both she and Amber woke up at a more decent hour the next morning.
Thanks again Rob and Tania for having us over, it was great hanging out with you guys and getting to know you more :-) We hope to do it again some day in the not too distant future.
Remember to scroll down to see more on our trip.
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