Not much to write at this point, almost at the end of the Summer Vacation, I cannot believe Jade goes to Grade 1 next Tuesday, golly, this Summer has just flown by for me, way too fast. Usually by this time I can't wait for Jade to go back to school and right now, I just wish I had a few more weeks to hang out at the pool and to do some more stuff together.
This year has just flown by for me, before we know it, hopefully Dave's folks will be here, then it will be Jades birthday and Christmas ... not to mention Halloween and Thanksgiving thrown in there, the second part of the year always flies by for me but it is always my most favorite time of the year so bring it on !!!
This past weekend Jade and I went to do some back to school shopping while daddy looked after Amber, gosh I cannot believe how much more I get done that way ... thanks Dave. But yeah we are now ready, got all our school supplies and a few new pairs of sneakers and we are good to go. I bought lots of new clothing over the Summer so thankfully I didn't have to do any cloths shopping or the day would have been so much longer. We got her hair trimmed so we can now see her eyes again ... thank Heavens and well ... we are ready, cannot wait for the bus to arrive Tuesday morning, Jade is very excited to be on the bus again after having to be driven to school all those months when we moved into our new house. Of course Dave is also relieved to have his car to himself in the morning, I thought it would be good bonding time for him and Jade, little did I know he kept her busy with stuff so he could listen to his pod casts etc. can't believe that !!! MEN !!!
This week we have a few last minute playdates and pooldates and well I have my renewal jewelry show at our house Saturday night so I have to get the house ready for that, then Monday is her open house at her school and Tuesday it's off to school. I will try and take pics Tuesday morning to post on here, it will be early so let's see if I can pull that off.
Here are a couple of pics I just too of Jade and Amber, Amber is in an outfit that obviously came from family in SA ... thanks Gav (hehehe). But you can see how she has grown, I can hardly believe it is the same child when I look at pics of two months ago, wow !!!
Can you believe how long she has gotten ...
I love pics of the girls together ...
I thought this was too cute :-)
As you can see she is doing better after some neck exercises the past few weeks, when Jade goes back to school I need to take Amber for another physio evaluation but I am sure she is will say Amber is fine, or I hope so. I read recently that we shouldn't be worrying if she is not meeting the milestone on time apparently if she was 3 1/2 week preemie then she probably will only reach those milestones 3 1/2 weeks later than her current age, so I feel a bit better about that and will just see how it goes. In two weeks she has her 4 months check up and I am sure the doctor will inform me better then.
One last one ... by this point Amber had spat up on some of the outfit so this is why she looks a bit different. Don't take it personally Gav :-)
Quick video of Amber doing tummy time, had to cut it short coz she was not in the mood for tummy time and you, I am sure don't want to see her grumpy.
One last note ... Grandpa we are thinking of you !!!
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