On the 29th we went for our long awaited for scan ... it was not the fancy scan I thought I was going to get :-( it was just the regular one !!! Anyway we took Jade with us thinking she would get a good view of they baby, which she did but I am not so sure much registered but anyway, she got to hear the heartbeat which she got a good kick out of :-)
Ok so, they took every measurement you can imagine, the size of the head, the brain in full and then every part of the brain separately, the body, measuring length of arms and legs and even as much as each finger. The checked out the heart that all was working as it should, we were even able to see blood flow in two directions which totally amazed me. The spine was normal and so was everything else thank God, it looked like our little baby was just fine and she was going to be ok ... yeah in the process of checking everything out, the nurse asked Jade what she wanted a brother or a sister and she said sister to which the nurse replied, well aren't you lucky it's a girl then :-)
So yeah we are having another girl, I am very excited, obviously I think dad would have liked a boy as most dads do but hey ... the man has the deciding factor in all this so thank Heavens I didn't mess up anywhere (hehehe). I always wanted a sister, not that I don't love my uncommunicative brother half to death but you know I always wondered what it would be like to have the closeness of a sister so I am thrilled for Jade, very excited. What is more I kept just about everything of hers so it will just be a lot easier. We sold a couple of baby things when we moved now, those we will have to replace but otherwise, we have a ton of everything else. I think I might do the babies room a little different though, with Jade I so wanted a boy that even when they told me she would be a girl, I was in denial the entire pregnancy. I did her room very neutral where this time I think I want to go a little more pink, what do you say :-)
I think the only thing that would be different is that Jade was born in Winter and this baby will be born going into Summer so the 0 - 6 month clothing will have to be new, I am thinking but once we move to the new house and I can go through all those containers of clothing, I will have more clarity ... I want to get excited now, we have been through so many tests and so much emotion to get to this point but still I find it hard to flip the switch. I know nothing is a sure thing till that baby pops out but I really hope I can relax and enjoy this pregnancy a little more now, nausea and all. Yep I am still nauseous but I was with Jade too so I guess this is just how it goes with me, thank God I don't have to do this all over again !!!
So for now my due date is between May 29th and June 2nd, probably more on the May 29th side though since according to all my dates in the beginning that makes more sense. I think I will induce again if my doctor says it's ok ... but we will see. For right now we will just continue to hope and pray all goes well.
Happy New Year everyone !!!
1 comment:
Now I am really excited for you, another beautiful little girl. How nice for Jade to have a baby sister, to share their interests and have each other when they are older. It is special to have sisters!!
Now Tracy relax and enjoy and treasure the last few months carrying a baby safe and cozy inside.
My prayers are always with you and I can't wait for the new arrival. So excited for you!
Happy New Years. It will be a quiet one for me, it is 8am and I am in my pj's already.
Love to you all
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