As you can see below our landscaping is done, gosh I cannot believe that, Dave is a little concerned that that should have waited till when we were about to move in because he isn't sure someone will maintain it in the meantime, I would think they have to but we have to ask the builder about that. Anyway it looks well done thank Heavens, we are happy with the way it looks, one of our outside taps is in an odd place but there is little we can do about that now. The back gets seeded and that has been done, gosh we will have to see how that goes !!!
I took lots of pics but didn't want to bore you all more than I already do with all these updates but, here at least you can see my kitchen is done but more importantly the hardwoods are down and I totally love them !!! You have to remember that we make a choice on the hardwoods looking at a tiny sample and never really saw it in a house before choosing it so I am thrilled to bits at how great it looks, now I just have to figure out how to maintain it. They are still dusty, I am sure you can see that, they painted this past week, not sure if you can see the color well, just very plain but for now that's ok :-)
All the carpets are in too and I am very happy with those as well, hopefully they wear well. All tiles are in too, but I think I told you that last time.
The two most important rooms in my house, above the kitchen and below my bathroom, it's oddly shaped so I couldn't get in there to take a picture of the entire room but it's pretty cool. The shower is now done, you can't see that much in this picture, all the hardware is in and as you can see they were testing our electric which was cool coz the heat was on in the house too, the house is usually freezing when we go into it.
Anyway so yeah, the house is almost done, apparently just a bunch of touch ups now and a whole bunch of inspections and then it will be done, I can't believe it. The only thing we have questioned is our fireplace which Dave has had an issue about for a while, I spoke to the new builder on Friday ... the old one which I loved dealing with was layed off :-( this economy really sucks !!! Anyway he has agreed to do a part of it over which should make Dave a lot happier. I didn't notice the fireplace too much, guess I was too excited about my kitchen but now that he has pointed out his concerns, I am glad we are getting it sorted out because really, the fireplace is a focal part when you enter the house.
So I told you we bought our new fridge right, on Black Friday, now I just need to go get two big rugs, one for the family room and the other for the breakfast nook, that I really need to do before we move in. Then I am getting Jade a new bedroom set, I am excited about that, I bought her her Tinkerbell bedding for Christmas she is going to love that !!! And then it's just a sofa and love seat for the lounge but I am not rushing into that, we can watch Tv upstairs in the media room till I find one I totally love, I am going to go slow and be happy :-)
I am getting so excited now, not too long till we move out of this tiny apartment.
It's Jades birthday on Friday and this year we aren't doing a big party like we normally do, this year we have just invited a few of her closest friends and we will go hang out at Monkey Joes after school for a few hours, I will buy pizza and ice cream for all the kids which will make Jade happy too. Then Saturday we are taking her to Build a Bear for the first time, we thought we would do something special with her since we weren't doing a party, or a big party anyway, that evening we will go to McAddenville to see the Christmas lights, we will make a day out of it for her and hope she has fun, I am sure she will, she does not know about the Saturday plan yet, we will let her in on that little secret on Saturday !!!
That's me for now, I go for my next obgyn check today, please hope and pray all goes well, my God all I hope for at this point is a heartbeat, it's been so long since my last scan, I am a little freaked out. I keep saying that as long as I feel as yucky as I do, everything must be ok but after my history, I can't help but worry some, so please keep this little peanut in your prayers, thanks :-)
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