She loved everything she got, thank you so much to everyone that sent gifts, she felt totally spoilt.
Then at lunch time Dave bought himself and Jade lunch and took it to the school so he could join her and her class in the canteen during their normal lunch time, this is something that parents do on their kids birthdays to make them feel special. I could tell Dave really didn't want to do this but unfortunately I had to work and couldn't make it and I didn't want Jade to have to miss out but I think once he got there and saw other parents had joined their kids for lunch as well, he enjoyed it a little more. Also I think Jade really was tickled pink to have him there and he saw how much it meant to her so won't put up such a fight new time ... but hopefully next time I can do it, I hated to miss out this time around :-(
Later that afternoon after school I invited a few of Jades oldest friends to join us at Monkey Joes for pizza and an afternoon of jumping fun, I think she was a little sad before the party that she wasn't going to have her usual big party but I think she had so much fun, she forgot about that quickly. She also got some beautiful gifts from them as well, so she felt totally spoilt. Dave joined us later which was nice but it wasn't too long after he arrived that most people left.
We then came home and had cake and spent the evening taking all the gifts out of their boxes and playing with them, actually the entire weekend was taken up with that :-) She loved everything she got, most of all though the Nintendo DS that Dave bought her, he is turning her into a total computer geek and she loves it !!!
Again thank you to everyone that either sent gifts, cards, emailed or called to make Jades birthday even more special, you are all appreciated so very much.
Then Saturday was a really yucky day for me, I felt terrible so took it easy most of the day while the 'kids' played with all the new toys, then late afternoon we took Jade to her surprise outing ... Build a Bear !!! I guess we didn't take into account how busy the mall would be, gosh but anyway it turned out well, she had a total ball but golly Dave said, this is her first and last time there, it totally broke the bank, can you believe an outfit was $14.50, I can buy an outfit for Jade for that price, thankfully my New York friend Kathy had sent her a gift card for Build a Bear so that helped contribute towards the most expensive soft toy this child will probably ever own !!!
Here are some pictures of her at Build a Bear ...
This is the final product, yep no bear ... but a bunny, it's actually very very cute :-)
Then Saturday night after the mall we drove through to McAddenville which is Christmas Town USA for our usual trip out to see the town lit up for Christmas. Jade gets a kick out shouting 'Merry Christmas' out the window at everyone and seeing how many respond back with a greeting ... she was sad that there were many Grinch's out there this year but we had fun anyway.
Sunday we stayed home, we probably should have gone to the house to see if they redid the fireplace yet but I got so stuck into cleaning up and catching up on laundry that before I knew it most of the day had flown by and I had to work Sunday night so I quickly got done and off I went. That was pretty much our weekend.
This week is Jades last week of school before Winter break and they have a fun week planned at school, apparently they will move between 4 classrooms this week, each room will show how that specific country celebrates Christmas, the rooms will be Mexico, Israel, Italy and of course the USA. I am kind of surprised and wonder what they will teach since the public schools don't get into religion as such ... but I am sure I will hear about it.
They will also hear more about the Polar Express this week, Jade loves that movie, Friday their last day will be Polar Express Day, so they will go to school in their PJ's which Jade will love, apparently they will have cocoa and doughnuts during the day too, that will be a cool treat for them :-)
Wednesday is my second trimester genetic testing and all I can ask for is lots of prayers that all the tests will go well, I am not sure if I will get the results before Christmas, it's going to be a long wait which I am not looking forward to, if I can get through December I think I will be really happy and perhaps even start to get a little excited that this might be a sure thing, I will be almost half way then.
Wednesday night is my last night of work for the year too, I think I am going to enjoy the break :-)
Anyway that's me for now, take care and have a good week.
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