She got some really cool gifts, apparently not everything she wanted, can you believe that ??? Golly !!! She got lots of computer associated games which she is very into now even more so than toys which I find hard to believe but I think dads genes have rubbed off on her as young as she is.
Thank you to everyone that sent gifts, she was totally spoilt rotten, below you can see a pic of her with just some of her toys, yep, that was not all of them !!!
Dave and I also got spoilt rotten, mostly stuff for he new house which is cool, as you can see below, most of my gifts for him was bought at Black and Decker ... hopefully he will have lots of fun for them when we move into the new house :-)
We had a quiet Christmas otherwise, I cooked all day as moms always do only for it to be over in 5 mins, you know how that goes :-)
Then the evening we went over to my girlfriend Pams house, she had a bunch of family and friends over for coffee and desserts, we had a very nice time there, Jade played their new Wii and didn't want to leave of course and well you know Dave, he didn't want to stay too long, my Mr Grinch. Thanks Pam for having us over, we had a great time !!!
I wanted to add these two pictures, my brother, Gavin bought Jade an Easy Bake Oven, now here in the States an Easy Bake Oven is like a right of passage for every little girl but in SA I am not sure they even have them, if they do, I had never heard of them till I got here. Anyway they are so cute, what it is is a little microwave looking unit, the door does not open but it has a slot on either side of the oven where you can push the little bake pans into. It actually cooks real cookies with a 100 Watt light bulb, can you believe that ? Jades first attempt was for cookies, the little packet that came with the oven makes just 6 tiny bite size cookies but it was cool for her first try :-) She lay the cookies out in their little baking trays and then inserted the cookies in the oven, you push them in with the long thingi, kinda like pushing a pizza in a pizza oven if you know what I mean. 10 minutes later you push them into the cooling slot and believe it or not they are done. Here you can see her frosting them with the left over frosting from Santa's cookies. She give Dave and I one and ate the rest herself, honestly, good for her coz they tasted like plastic, yuk but hey ... she had fun :-) The next we will bake is a cake, I will take pics of that too. Thanks Gavin, what fun !!!
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