She still had fun decorating them as you can see, gosh what a mess she made but it kept her busy for a while which was good :-) They turned out well, she even made one for daddy which daddy actually ate, can't believe that but anyway, good for him !!! Below you can see the finished product !!!
Here is the plate of cookies and the glass of milk for Santa, she figured putting them right by the tree was best, he wouldn't miss them there !!!
We went to 6pm Mass which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, the Mass itself was very quick but thankfully we got seats, we got there very early to get those seats but still, we stood one year and it just felt like forever !!!
Here is our little tree ... ag shame !!! This is Jades tree she usually has in her bedroom, she was a little sad in the beginning that I didn't have a bigger one but by the time I decorated the rest of the family room, she was ok and thankfully it turned out well. Ok it got a little lost amongst all the gifts but it did the trick :-)
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