Here are just 3 quick pics of Jade taken this morning, looking at past posts on my blog, I realize that I don't publish as many pics of her as I did in the past, probably because she is a little less cooperative these days when mom asks her to look cute for a few minutes for pictures, she really couldn't be bothered, she's growing up fast, there is no stopping that !!!
The apartment is a bit dark so sorry the pics are not great but it's cold outside, they predicted freezing rain today so I have been very hesitant in going out but I have to at some point, need to go get stuff for the weekend. I was trying to explain to my mom that we have gotten used to the cold here that we hardly wear a jacket if it's between 10 - 15 degrees, unless it is windy which it is hardly ever here, the wind chill is what makes you cold. But like today it is 4 degrees, it isn't that cold but because it is rainy and wet, we will have to do the jacket and boots for sure !!!
Jades hair is so much easier short, especially for school in the mornings but I think Dave has been whispering in her ear that she needs to grow her hair again, you see he likes it longer, I think he has forgotten how long it takes to blow dry the long hair, or what a mess it is first thing in the mornings but anyway, this past week she asked me when she can grow her hair again, so I told her that we can have one more Summer with it short and then maybe we can start to grow it again. I figured with the baby coming and all, I was going to push for that at the very least, she seemed happy with that thank Heavens !!!
Something I had forgotten to mention was that when school broke up for Winter Break Jade got her Kindergarten Testing Results which we were really proud of, it seems that she is pretty much ahead of her game at this point which is exciting for us to hear :-)
The testing is broken up into 4 categories ISF (Initial Sound Fluency - What sound does 'letters' begin with ?) here she got a 36, the goal is 25, they also gave us an indication of where she should be at the beginning, middle and end of first grade, I will let you in on that goal on the next 3, there wasn't one for this one.
Then for LNF (Letter Naming Fluency) she got a 58, the goal was 27. The goal for beginning first grade is 37.
For NWF (Nonsense Word Fluency - Read this word 'wub') she got 42, the goal is 13, beginning first grade the goal is 24, middle is 50 and end is 50.
Lastly for PSF (Phoneme - Sound - Segmentation Fluency - Tell me all the sounds in the word 'mop' ) she got a 37, the goal is 18. Beginning first grade is must be 35, middle 35 and end 35.
So as you can see, we are very happy with what we see right now :-)
Anyway thought I would share that with y'all. Now it's after 2pm and I am still in my PJ's ... golly when school starts back again next week, I am so going to be in trouble, I will have to get with the program again (hehehe), I guess I need to go get showered and done so Jade and I can get out a bit.
Take care.
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