Friday night she had just gotten out of the bath and was getting into her pj's when she came to me and said her nose was sore, I could see it was a little red but nothing much since she was all red from her hot bath anyway, but I asked her what she had done ... Apparently she was skipping and somehow landed on her nose, yeah I don't know either. I joked that she was using an imaginary rope and when she tripped over the rope and fell, she was too busy holding the imaginary handles to put her hands down and break the fall before eating the rug but I think what happened from what she told me is that she was skipping, you know like running, jumping skipping and she tripped and before she knew it her nose was to the rug.
Poor thing, later that night before I went to be I went to check on her and her nose must have been glowing close to what Rudolph's glow, I even called Dave in to show him, it was really red and by Saturday morning you can tell it was a real rug burn and it was scabbed over :-( So now we are just trying to keep it dry so it will heal well. Thank God she knows not to pick at it and well it's already started itching so thankfully it is on the mend, hopefully it doesn't break open in her sleep, it really looks ouch !!!
I was so mad that she was so silly that she got upset with me and told me I disappointed her ... she is going to give me a run for my money come teenage hood that is for sure. She is very shy to go to school with it tomorrow so we will see how that goes, she can be super sensitive sometimes so hopefully the kids wont be too mean and there won't be too many tears.
Dave thinks I have her well trained with all my hormones going on ... and actually I am super sensitive even without the added hormones, so adding a third girl to the house is going to be almost too much for him. It's good that he doesn't have a sensitive bone in his body !!! Today Jade and I were watching Chronicles of Narnia but I went off to shower and she watched the end with Dave, well when the lion got killed she cried her heart out, so I told her while daddy was laughing at her which didn't help that if mommy was watching it with her, she too would be crying ... poor thing.
Anyway here are three pics of her nose !!!
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