By the time I went to bed around 12 there was still no snow, not even rain but when I woke up in the middle of the night, around 2h30 there had already been a snow dusting so I knew we had a good chance of snow, at 5h30 I woke up to make sure there was snow and that school and work for me was cancelled and then hopped back into bed till Jade got up, and was she excited !!!
Here is the first picture I took, opening our balcony door slightly to get the shot, it was like -4 for it wasn't too bad or cold at all.
Dave and Jade went out first this morning because I was just really scared I would slip on the pathways but Dave said it was ok, so after a while I joined them too, not playing in the snow as much as they did, I just kept warm and watched them get all wet and cold. Thankfully the little bug in my tummy kept me from being target practise too ... she has her advantages (hehehe). Dave couldn't stay too long, he had meetings at work that he had to attend but at least he got to play some.
This is in the car park, this is Daves car.
This is my car.
Here are a couple of pics of Jade, unfortunately the camera doesn't really pic up that it is snowing, pity coz it's really pretty. I don't think the snow will accumulate much more, it is starting to stop now, we have maybe 3 inches.
The snow on the trees is so pretty, I think it would be perfect if this had happened on Christmas but oh well, I guess we will have to move State before we get snow at Christmas.
Without true snow clothing it's really cold to play in the snow, Dave was really taking strain, he is a real wimp when it comes to cold anyway so throwing wet snow into the mix is so not his thing (hehehe).
That's our balcony on the left, we are on the ground floor.
We all walked down to the park and Dave and Jade played there for while, it was quite funny how they were playing, Jade tried to escape Daves snowballs and went down the slide which was packed with snow, I could tell she was shocked when she came out the other end (hehehe).
Dave throwing snowballs at Jade, don't worry she got him back many times.
Anyway we are in for a break now, I am sure when she sees some kids outside she will want to go out again, so in the meantime I am trying to dry the jackets, boots and gloves for the next round. Guess my drier is going to run all day again today.
Jade and I are kind of lucky to be home today to watch the inauguration of President Obama, I am not sure how much she will take in but she and I will watch some of it together, I guess it's history so we better take note :-) She would not have been off school today and I would have worked this morning too so we got lucky with the snow.
I might post more later if I get more but with the snow stopping, I think that's probably it !!!
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