I know it's been a while since I last updated, sorry !!! But there hasn't been anything exciting to blog about but I thought I would quickly give y'all an update of what has been going on lately.
Jade is fine, doing well at school and gymnastics so that's good. Thankfully her nose cleared up nicely, it's still a bit pink but it looks like thankfully there won't be any scars. I know I promised to post some ice skating videos but it is such a pain to upload videos here at the apartment, my connection is almost as bad as South Africa ... so it's frustrating and I will rather post them later when we move into the house, which won't be long now :-) Anyway, here is one pic of her skating amongst everyone on the open air ice rink that was in the city. We took her at night so that the lights were on and it made it more special for her. The ice was very slippery, way more than the other rink she was on, she got frustrated quickly which surprised me but after a quick lecture about being a quitter she got right back on the ice and thoroughly had a ball, got better and better, she skated for hours !!!
Dave is well, I can tell by his mood lately that he is getting stressed about the house now, you know how he is with all the financial stuff ... anyway we close on the house this coming Friday the 23rd, closing means we sign all the paperwork and get handed the keys, golly it's finally happening, very exciting stuff. There is a bunch of work that needs to be done at the house before we start moving, Dave wants to treat the garage floor, this is a huge undertaking but I think he will do that the first weekend we have the keys, it's a step by step process so it will probably take him the entire weekend. Then all the blinds need to be hung, or all the important ones, the rest can wait, all the fans need to be done but they can be done later too, I want some extra shelving put into the closets, so he will need to do that as soon as possible or I won't be able to get started doing my bit. Then we found out we need to treat all the tiles throughout the house too, I think that's just wrong and on discussion with a bunch of people Dave is trying to get the builder to do it for us. But other than that, there's still a good amount of work to be done before we start moving our stuff in. We plan on being in the house completely by the 7th of February so most of the big moving will be done that weekend, we have some people coming out to help Dave with the heavy stuff so please don't worry about me, I won't be doing any of that !!! The pod and some furniture plus the refrigerator will be delivered before then so we will be able to work with all that stuff to get the house comfy in the meantime. I cannot wait to get out of the apartment but I know I need to be patient and go slow and it will eventually all come together :-) Hold thumbs all goes well with the closing !!!
As for me, I am plodding along or should I say waddling along :-( I am now 21 and a half weeks pregnant and finally starting to feel the baby move a little more. I have never been one for enjoying the movement, I think it's quite yucky actually but with our history, I think this time around I will try and enjoy the movement and take it as a sign that all is well more than anything else. I really haven't done any reading this pregnancy, weird actually because with Jade all I did was read but I soon realized that nothing could prepare you for parenthood and a new baby ... so I figured this time around I just wouldn't even bother. That being said, I was on a website that gave the measurements for babies at 21 weeks and I couldn't believe that this baby is about 7 1/2 inches right now, from head to rump that is and then you would add another almost 3 inches on for the legs ... makes it all so much more real doesn't it ? Well I am still enjoying the nausea, yeah right, why is it that woman get to play the biggest roles in kids lives and still have to be the one to suffer through pregnancies, why couldn't men have taken on that role ... very unfair if you ask me !!!
What else can I tell you, gosh it's been cold her lately, I can't remember what the coldest temperature has been but I know it was more than -10 and let me tell you, that's cold !!! The days haven't got any warmer than around 5 degrees lately, without the wind that is ok but when you throw in a breeze, oh my gosh it's cold. We are used to it now thank Heavens but still it's really cold. I wonder sometimes though how it can be that cold and it not snow, very weird if you ask me.
On that note, yesterday afternoon when I was on my way home from the store I noticed that the fountains at the apartments next to ours had frozen up, so before church last night I took Dave and Jade to see it, I should have allowed more time for us to hang out there because she had a ball. It was really quite pretty since the water was still coming out the top, some of the water had iced too and before I could tell Jade any different, oh my gosh, she just stepped onto the ice, I nearly had heart failure, I mean it wasn't deep or anything but how silly could she be. Dave was right there so he grabbed her out but she had her full weight which is around 50 pounds now, on the ice and it didn't crack, amazing. She and Dave were trying to break the ice and managed in some places, then they would throw it in the air and let it break on the other ice when it landed, they had great fun. Jade wanted to go there again today but she has a bit of the sniffles today so I think we will pass on that today, anyway I don't want the responsibility of her being that close to the ice again ... she is off school today thankfully, it's Martin Luther Kings birthday so hopefully the sniffles will be done with tomorrow. Here's a pic of the fountain.
Ok, well that's me for now, I will probably only update again after we move so it might be a while. Oh by the way, both of Jades top big front teeth are lose, oh golly that's not going to be a pretty picture when they come out but hopefully they grow in as fast as the other one did.
Take care y'all.
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