Well there haven't been any comments for the longest time on my blog, does this mean that there isn't anybody reading it anymore :-( There weren't too many comments to start off with but now there's been nothing for a long time ...
Anyway a quick update since I am not sure when I will get another chance in the next week, it's going to be a busy one. Jade and I have been keeping busy and I can't believe she has been on vacation for over a month already, time has really flown by. Last night our neighborhood had a night swim, the pool normally closes at 8pm but on these nights they put the pool lights on and keep it open till 10pm. I didn't know if Jade would make it till 10pm or that I even wanted to keep her up that late but she had a ball and was fascinated by the fact that as it got darker the pool got lighter :-) She is very proud of all the things she can do in the pool, she is getting braver by the day. Her latest trick is doing forward rolls under the water, I was amazed that she does about 3 or 4 one after the other before coming up for air. She is also braving it in deeper water, I am having to watch her like a hawk she is getting so brave. And the poor thing keeps on getting into trouble for diving in the pool when we have a NO DIVING pool, but now that the lifeguard has spoken to her, maybe she will listen, only time will tell.
This past week she was in gymnastics camp, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9 - 1 it was such a treat for me but was even nicer to know how much fun she had, the camp was at the same gym she does her normal gymnastics classes so she is very familiar with everyone and everything to the point of being a total show off in front of the teachers that are not her regular teachers and obviously the kids that don't actually take gymnastics other than attending camp. But I guess as long as she is having fun and doesn't get hurt there is no harm done.
Tomorrow being Sunday we are going to our friends Tina and Louis for the afternoon, Tina's brother moved to London recently and Dave has been helping Tina get setup to chat to him as we talk to our families in SA so tomorrow he is going to do the final stuff and we will just hang out with them at their pool for the rest of the afternoon which should be a fun relaxing after for us all especially me which has been working hard to get my house ready for my visitors next week.
So as for this coming week, I don't have anything planned for Monday other than my regular chat with my mom in the afternoon, after which we will probably go to the pool. By the way, on the subject of my mother, she went for her check up after her hip replacement this past week and got a bit of bad news, she has DBT (deep bone thrombosis) which is a clot somewhere ... I don't know too much more but that was enough to scare me and the rest of our family. Anyway she will have to be on blood thinning medication for the next 6 months and hopefully then she will be ok, in the meantime, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and just hope that that clot stays where it currently is and doesn't move !!!
Tuesday I have a parents morning out which Jades school offers, so I will take advantage of that, then the evening I am going out with a girlfriend of mine. I usually work Wednesday nights but this coming Wednesday I am taking my new jeweler Laurie to a New Jeweler training at one of my sponsors home. Thursday I am going to finally have a well needed haircut and color, thankfully my color has lasted since before our SA trip but now ... well I hate to admit the grey is starting to show :-(
Then Friday is my new jewelers training show which is the show I do for her to launch her company, I am excited for that :-) wish me luck that all goes well. Friday night Dave is taking Jade over to Tina as she will be spending the night there, Jade loves Tina's boys and it is such a treat for her to spend the night there, I won't tell her to at least Thursday though or she will be begging me by the minute 'mommy when are we going'.
The reason she is sleeping over there is on Saturday morning Dave and I are driving up to Pittsburgh to meet my cousin and her family half way. Dave thought it best if we do the trip alone, I really wanted Jade to go with us but he thinks we can get there faster and with a lot less stress if we do it alone ... golly and to think I was going to drive the entire way to Canada alone with her in the car and he is stressing about his half way trip :-) MEN !!! Shows you how much tougher us ladies are :-) sorry Dave !!!
Anyway so I think Karen and the girls will be here for at least three weeks, hopefully Dave doesn't take too much strain with 4 extra girls in the house, I think we are going to have a blast !!! And I can't wait for them to arrive, I am counting the hours that is for sure. I am pretty much ready for them now, just a few more things to do and then I will be done.
So that was why I was updating you all now because between now and when they arrive, I am not sure if I will have time to do another update but I am sure I will find the time to update while they are here :-) Until then ... oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAVIN, my brother turned 30 this past week, and my mom is turning 60 in three days, she's going to kill me that I wrote that on my blog but anyway, I think it is great, all these wonderful milestones. Not to mention that on the 1st of July she and my dad have been married 40 years, how about that ?
Congratulations on all the celebrations, it's at times like these that we miss family especially, there's been so much on in June, we have missed a whole bunch. Oh and I just heard that Peter, Dave's cousin had a baby boy this past Monday, wow, more celebrations. It's quite funny, he and my brother are the same age, in fact Peter turns 30 today I think, or is her a year younger, no I think he is the same age, anyway I cannot imagine my brother with a baby now (hehehe), that would be something else.
Ok enough's enough ... time to go.