Anyway pics first ... more later on that note.
This was us at the Stingray pool, it took me forever to put my hand in there on our first day and one almost jumped up the side of the pool at me which had me almost die of fright so this time I was happy just to be behind the camera. Jade of course has so little fear that she loved touching them, Amber is more cautious so she wasn't going to do that ... she just kept her distance :-)
The girls in the aquarium, Amber loved being right up there against the glass.
Love this one ... look at those cute faces looking at Nemo :-)
This was at the dolphin show which was different to the one we saw in California, this one had high divers off diving boards, it has birds and dancers ... was pretty neat but different to the other show we saw for sure.
Golly am I boring you all already with all these pics ??? You kinda have to be there and well I know I posted pics last time we were there but just wanted to give you a little taste of our trip this time around.
This was the seal show which was so much better when Jade and I saw it on Monday, different people playing the parts and on Monday the animals were more cooperative (hehehe) but I know we are all allowed to have a bad day right ? And there was a mime on the Monday actually he was there both days but he was better on the Monday, he was taking the Mickey out of all the guests as they were arriving, too funny.
Penguin Exhibit ... very cool, think this is the biggest one I have seen, this is what you saw upstairs but you could go downstairs and watch them swim under water which was really neat. There was a walrus exhibit as well that was similar, that was amazing.
Not a great picture but it gives you an idea, I have walked through tunnels like this at other aquariums but his one was by far the biggest one I have been through with sharks all over the show, golly and you seem so close to them, really scary ... yeah and I sent Dave down with them, what was I thinking right ?
Ok so there are two Shamu shows, one during the day and one amazing one at night, this one was obviously during the day and I didn't take pics of the night time one but you can only imagine right :-)
What amazing creatures and golly can I ever complain about how difficult it is to exercise at my weight when you look at these things gracefully jumping out the water, beautiful animals, every time Jade sees them she says that is what she wants to be when she grows up a whale trainer :-)
Awe is this not the best picture ever, we were up high and I kept on telling Amber to hold on that she didn't fall but is this not the cutest thing, love it.
I think this was Shamu, she was definitely the biggest one but still look have beautiful she is and so graceful :-)
Can't believe they fit so many of them in the same pool and they don't bump into each other when they are doing their routines, amazing, love love love Seaworld.
Ok so onto part two of what I started earlier ... by they stage I can't remember the time but think it was around 3 ish and Amber was starting to get ratty, anyway there was still so much of a day ahead of us but thought we would go hang out by the kids area where there is so much for her to do and see how it goes well ... we weren't there long and she had a complete meltdown, like I have never seen before, in fact the last time I saw her cry like that was when we thought she had broken her arm, it was bad :-( So getting more frazzled by the second I eventually said to Dave I am going to go home and let her take a nap and I would come back later, he was to stay there with Jade and get his money worth. Well oh my gosh, I was that mom that you see with the kid crying uncontrolably for the next 25 minutes, sadly we were about a 25 minute walk from the exit, we could not have been further from the exit, it was crazy but shame she cried or screamed blue murder for the duration of my walk, I have never been so mortified and well never again think badly of that mom that cannot shut her child up, it was terrible, I wanted to cry with her. Nothing would make her stop so I just walked as fast as I could to get to the car and well I was not even out the parking area and she was fast asleep. Thankfully our resort was 10 minutes away so it was no big deal, she took her nap and cooled down coz I am sure that added to it all, it was sooooo hot and then we bought dinner and headed back to the park with dinner for all, yep I sneaked it in :-)
Now what was really sad for me when I got back Dave had done something with Jade that I wanted to do Monday but we were too late to get in ... he watched Jade feed the dolphins, I am so sad I missed that, it was such a big moment I think in our vacation but oh well ... hopefully next time she and I can do it together :-) These were cellphone pics from afar so am glad we at least got one good one.

Beautiful right :-)

Anyway there will definitely be a next time because she and I so wanted to do all the amazing rides there but she didn't quite make the 54 inch mark to do them, she did by the end of Summer but not when we were there sadly so next time she and I will do that together.
All I can say further is thank God we survived the trip back and thank God we only do those long trips once a year, so hard to do these trips with Amber.
We had an amazing vacation, too cool, thank you to everyone that contributed towards making it so special :-)
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