Sunday we all hung at the resort which was a great downtime day. We all needed it too.
Monday Jade and I went to Seaworld, I didn't carry the camera this day coz I knew I was coming again later in the week but she and I had an amazing day there, a very long day of course but thankfully the resort was like 10 minutes or less from all the parks we went to which was fantastic, can't say enough how much I loved this resort !!!
Tuesday I can't remember what we did, think it was a downtime day too ... shopping maybe.
Wednesday was Magic Kingdom day and the plan was to take Amber there for the say and us all go but honestly, I am glad I decided it was just going to be way too hard coz she and I had another great day at the resort and Dave and Jade went to Magic Kingdom alone, I was a little sad to miss out but you know I will take that any day over having to deal with a toddler and tantrum over a long stretch of a day. Anyway I think I have phone pics Dave might have taken but I can't find them now :-( Oh wait here's one ... now I remember it rained much of that day too which was also one of my deciding factors not to go, seems Dave has video but this was the only picture I could find as proof they were there (hehehe).
Looks miserable right but apparently it didn't rain all day and there is a bunch of stuff they could do while it rained so it was not all bad :-) still glad I didn't go. It was the last year that Amber would be free which really was the only reason I thought it worth a try.
Anyway here are some more resort pics which I took while Amber and I were out walking. What was so cool and we did it a couple of times, literally out the door and around the corner would take you to the front of our unit, where the fountain was you saw earlier, great place for feeding fish and birds, Amber and I would do it as much as we could, she loved it but would be happier in the stroller feeding the birds, on this day, oh my gosh I laughed so much I thought if anyone saw me, they would think what a horrible mother ... she got surrounded by birds and when she realized this and couldn't get to me, her face and the freak out, poor baby, but she loved feeding the birds.
This was just before the freak out ...
This place was so lush and green probably because it rains so much in Florida but still it was soooooo beautiful, I am so not a natures girl as anyone that knows me will know but I loved this week at this resort, loved, loved, loved it.
This is just one of the 9 I think pool areas they had there, lots of pools and lots of Jacuzzis love it :-) can't say it enough and I think we were closest to the nicest pool, pics to follow.
This was the activity center where Amber and I spent a nice amount of time, she had fun and the staff were nice so they were company for me too :-) Oh I almost forgot the resort had it's own set of take our restaurants that you could order in from which made my life such fun in the evenings that it was only Amber and I, what a treat. There were lots of bar areas and nicer restaurants with lots of adult activities which we didn't take advantage of sadly but still great resort. Oh and one of the kids activities that I did with Jade the one night was make ice cream from scratch, what a treat for her and such fun :-)
Amber and one of her crafts which you can tell she had a lot of help with :-)
This was a pool area close to the activity center which Dave took Amber to on the day he was alone with Amber at the resort, apparently a nice slide for Amber but she and I did so many other things we actually didn't do this pool together.
This was our pool area, think it might have been the best one, nice little splash area with fountains for Amber, great pool although I thought the water was super cold compared to our water back home and a great jacuzzi too. Spent many a day here and a night or two too.
Ok so this took you through to Wednesday ... will publish this now as I am busy with dinner and not sure how much more I will get done today.
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