Well I am now at the update where the Millers came to visit, Leanda my childhood friend that reconnected with me on Facebook last year which came to visit me in February drove down with her wonderful family, Elliot her hubby and her kids Ethan which is 12 and Jadyn which is 8. Still cannot believe she and I had babies the same year, both girls and we called them Jade and Jadyn, amazing !!!
Anyway Elliot is supposed to be sending me some pics that he took of the kids over the week they were here, he is one very busy guy, never in my life come across a guy as organized and together as he is :-) hope he is reading this, what are the chances right ??? Anyways, him and the kids did a lot of touristy type stuff and my Jade must have thought she was in Heaven coz she tagged along everywhere. Leanda and I did as much as we could but Amber had to nap, I didn't want another 'Seaworld' experience so Amber had to nap but we did as much as we could and I hope they had fun. What was a super treat for me of course was we ate out so much which gave me a huge break, little Ethan has a peanut allergy so it was just easier to eat out all the time. Funny how it awakened me to the whole peanut allergy thing and now both my kids are in peanut free classes at school !!!
David was in New York the entire week which was sad coz he didn't get to spend any time with them and it made it a little harder on me as far as playing host and all but we made do ... and were excited for Friday coz Dave would be flying home and would have Amber for the weekend while Jade and I went to Myrtle Beach with the Millers, what another nice treat and something cool for Jade and I to do alone.
Anyway so our good friends Deon and Estelle watched Amber Friday during the day while we went off to Myrtle and then I got a call from Dave just about when he was supposed to fly out of New York saying they have been grounded, this is the company jet I am talking about, there was a storm coming and they didn't expect to get out till late and that was if they took off at all.
This had me frantic, now I was worried that Amber might have to sleepover somewhere she had not slept before and golly I don't even think I had enough diapers in her bag for her to overnight somewhere, not to mention the inconvenience to Deon and Estelle and the fact that they were going out of town the next morning for the weekend. Then to crown it all as the evening went on, Dave said the pilot was nearing his cut off time for flying and now I had to worry about that too ... I really was concerned about it all and here I was at this beautiful beach but not to happy about it at all.
Anyway thank God they took off around 8 ish so even though Dave got home late, he was able to go get Amber and I could finally breath and enjoy the remainder of my little vacation, but really did I have to have all this stress !!!
Anyway we had a great time at the beach, did and saw as much as we could and Jade had a ball out on her boogie board, not as much fun as she had in Florida but still.
I hope the Miller Family had a good time and I cannot wait till they come visit again and hopefully then we won't be tied down with Amber and we can do more ... Elliot I will be more prepared for you next time (hehehe) !!!
Thank you so much for coming to visit, loved having you guys and Leanda, what a blessing to have you in my life again, it was meant to be girl, meant to be !!!
If I EVER get the pics, I will add them later.
Not that I ever get much time to play on the computer anymore, I have created this blog to brag about the things that mean the most to me in life, firstly my husband, David and then close runners up are my daughters Jade that is 10 years old and Amber who is 4. This is just a way for all our family and friends in South Africa to keep up to date with our lives over here in the States. Hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Some Odd Pics ....
Just found all these on my cell, they are random pics in no order at all but know when I take pics on my cell they often don't make it online ... so here you go.
This was in our road watching 4th of July Fireworks.

Not sure when this was but look at the wild hair.

This was at Blizzard Beach with Dave, the waterpark him and Jade went to the first Saturday in Orlando.

I told you these were all odd ones ... took Jade for a manicure & pedicure and she got this really cool crackle nail polish.

Jade had a day off school this day but I still had work so she went into work with me, here she is playing with Ambers toys :-)

Amber staring the boys down during bubble play, she is not in this room anymore, this was the toddler room, she is now in the 2 year old class.

Yes I did send my 8 year old up on that ride by herself and she did it more than once too ... must admit I had tears in my eyes the first time I saw it, now she does the intimidator so what can I say ... there is no stopping her now.

At a local shopping area, there were these water sprayers, Amber had her bathing suit under the dress, she just didn't want to take the dress off ... not a battle I was going to fight that day.

Taking a train ride at Carowinds.

If you thought that Dave was unimpressed I got him to take this ride with Amber, look at Jades face, it was like 'oh no mom you didn't' but she is too young to be responsible for Amber and there are only so many 'Amber' rides ...

One of the trips to Chikfila, Jade is upset coz she is too old to play on this stuff so she was really happy there was no one around and I allowed here to play with Amber.

Told you they were all random pics, sorry about that but when I take them on my cell I often forget about them there.
Just found all these on my cell, they are random pics in no order at all but know when I take pics on my cell they often don't make it online ... so here you go.
This was in our road watching 4th of July Fireworks.

Not sure when this was but look at the wild hair.

This was at Blizzard Beach with Dave, the waterpark him and Jade went to the first Saturday in Orlando.

I told you these were all odd ones ... took Jade for a manicure & pedicure and she got this really cool crackle nail polish.

Jade had a day off school this day but I still had work so she went into work with me, here she is playing with Ambers toys :-)

Amber staring the boys down during bubble play, she is not in this room anymore, this was the toddler room, she is now in the 2 year old class.

Yes I did send my 8 year old up on that ride by herself and she did it more than once too ... must admit I had tears in my eyes the first time I saw it, now she does the intimidator so what can I say ... there is no stopping her now.

At a local shopping area, there were these water sprayers, Amber had her bathing suit under the dress, she just didn't want to take the dress off ... not a battle I was going to fight that day.

Taking a train ride at Carowinds.

If you thought that Dave was unimpressed I got him to take this ride with Amber, look at Jades face, it was like 'oh no mom you didn't' but she is too young to be responsible for Amber and there are only so many 'Amber' rides ...

One of the trips to Chikfila, Jade is upset coz she is too old to play on this stuff so she was really happy there was no one around and I allowed here to play with Amber.

Told you they were all random pics, sorry about that but when I take them on my cell I often forget about them there.
On the Thursday before leaving back home, we did a family trip to Seaworld, this is my most favorite park, Jade and I had visited it earlier in the week but she and I had a 2nd entry free ticket so we only had to pay for Dave coz Amber is free till age 3 so off we went, thought I could do a 'no nap' day and wing it and hopefully tire Amber out so just maybe she would sleep a little on our long trip home the next day, OMG What The Hell Was I Thinking ???
Anyway pics first ... more later on that note.
This was us at the Stingray pool, it took me forever to put my hand in there on our first day and one almost jumped up the side of the pool at me which had me almost die of fright so this time I was happy just to be behind the camera. Jade of course has so little fear that she loved touching them, Amber is more cautious so she wasn't going to do that ... she just kept her distance :-)

The girls in the aquarium, Amber loved being right up there against the glass.

Love this one ... look at those cute faces looking at Nemo :-)

This was at the dolphin show which was different to the one we saw in California, this one had high divers off diving boards, it has birds and dancers ... was pretty neat but different to the other show we saw for sure.

Golly am I boring you all already with all these pics ??? You kinda have to be there and well I know I posted pics last time we were there but just wanted to give you a little taste of our trip this time around.
This was the seal show which was so much better when Jade and I saw it on Monday, different people playing the parts and on Monday the animals were more cooperative (hehehe) but I know we are all allowed to have a bad day right ? And there was a mime on the Monday actually he was there both days but he was better on the Monday, he was taking the Mickey out of all the guests as they were arriving, too funny.

Penguin Exhibit ... very cool, think this is the biggest one I have seen, this is what you saw upstairs but you could go downstairs and watch them swim under water which was really neat. There was a walrus exhibit as well that was similar, that was amazing.

Not a great picture but it gives you an idea, I have walked through tunnels like this at other aquariums but his one was by far the biggest one I have been through with sharks all over the show, golly and you seem so close to them, really scary ... yeah and I sent Dave down with them, what was I thinking right ?

Ok so there are two Shamu shows, one during the day and one amazing one at night, this one was obviously during the day and I didn't take pics of the night time one but you can only imagine right :-)

What amazing creatures and golly can I ever complain about how difficult it is to exercise at my weight when you look at these things gracefully jumping out the water, beautiful animals, every time Jade sees them she says that is what she wants to be when she grows up a whale trainer :-)

Awe is this not the best picture ever, we were up high and I kept on telling Amber to hold on that she didn't fall but is this not the cutest thing, love it.

I think this was Shamu, she was definitely the biggest one but still look have beautiful she is and so graceful :-)

Can't believe they fit so many of them in the same pool and they don't bump into each other when they are doing their routines, amazing, love love love Seaworld.

Ok so onto part two of what I started earlier ... by they stage I can't remember the time but think it was around 3 ish and Amber was starting to get ratty, anyway there was still so much of a day ahead of us but thought we would go hang out by the kids area where there is so much for her to do and see how it goes well ... we weren't there long and she had a complete meltdown, like I have never seen before, in fact the last time I saw her cry like that was when we thought she had broken her arm, it was bad :-( So getting more frazzled by the second I eventually said to Dave I am going to go home and let her take a nap and I would come back later, he was to stay there with Jade and get his money worth. Well oh my gosh, I was that mom that you see with the kid crying uncontrolably for the next 25 minutes, sadly we were about a 25 minute walk from the exit, we could not have been further from the exit, it was crazy but shame she cried or screamed blue murder for the duration of my walk, I have never been so mortified and well never again think badly of that mom that cannot shut her child up, it was terrible, I wanted to cry with her. Nothing would make her stop so I just walked as fast as I could to get to the car and well I was not even out the parking area and she was fast asleep. Thankfully our resort was 10 minutes away so it was no big deal, she took her nap and cooled down coz I am sure that added to it all, it was sooooo hot and then we bought dinner and headed back to the park with dinner for all, yep I sneaked it in :-)
Now what was really sad for me when I got back Dave had done something with Jade that I wanted to do Monday but we were too late to get in ... he watched Jade feed the dolphins, I am so sad I missed that, it was such a big moment I think in our vacation but oh well ... hopefully next time she and I can do it together :-) These were cellphone pics from afar so am glad we at least got one good one.

Beautiful right :-)

Anyway there will definitely be a next time because she and I so wanted to do all the amazing rides there but she didn't quite make the 54 inch mark to do them, she did by the end of Summer but not when we were there sadly so next time she and I will do that together.
All I can say further is thank God we survived the trip back and thank God we only do those long trips once a year, so hard to do these trips with Amber.
We had an amazing vacation, too cool, thank you to everyone that contributed towards making it so special :-)
Anyway pics first ... more later on that note.
This was us at the Stingray pool, it took me forever to put my hand in there on our first day and one almost jumped up the side of the pool at me which had me almost die of fright so this time I was happy just to be behind the camera. Jade of course has so little fear that she loved touching them, Amber is more cautious so she wasn't going to do that ... she just kept her distance :-)
The girls in the aquarium, Amber loved being right up there against the glass.
Love this one ... look at those cute faces looking at Nemo :-)
This was at the dolphin show which was different to the one we saw in California, this one had high divers off diving boards, it has birds and dancers ... was pretty neat but different to the other show we saw for sure.
Golly am I boring you all already with all these pics ??? You kinda have to be there and well I know I posted pics last time we were there but just wanted to give you a little taste of our trip this time around.
This was the seal show which was so much better when Jade and I saw it on Monday, different people playing the parts and on Monday the animals were more cooperative (hehehe) but I know we are all allowed to have a bad day right ? And there was a mime on the Monday actually he was there both days but he was better on the Monday, he was taking the Mickey out of all the guests as they were arriving, too funny.
Penguin Exhibit ... very cool, think this is the biggest one I have seen, this is what you saw upstairs but you could go downstairs and watch them swim under water which was really neat. There was a walrus exhibit as well that was similar, that was amazing.
Not a great picture but it gives you an idea, I have walked through tunnels like this at other aquariums but his one was by far the biggest one I have been through with sharks all over the show, golly and you seem so close to them, really scary ... yeah and I sent Dave down with them, what was I thinking right ?
Ok so there are two Shamu shows, one during the day and one amazing one at night, this one was obviously during the day and I didn't take pics of the night time one but you can only imagine right :-)
What amazing creatures and golly can I ever complain about how difficult it is to exercise at my weight when you look at these things gracefully jumping out the water, beautiful animals, every time Jade sees them she says that is what she wants to be when she grows up a whale trainer :-)
Awe is this not the best picture ever, we were up high and I kept on telling Amber to hold on that she didn't fall but is this not the cutest thing, love it.
I think this was Shamu, she was definitely the biggest one but still look have beautiful she is and so graceful :-)
Can't believe they fit so many of them in the same pool and they don't bump into each other when they are doing their routines, amazing, love love love Seaworld.
Ok so onto part two of what I started earlier ... by they stage I can't remember the time but think it was around 3 ish and Amber was starting to get ratty, anyway there was still so much of a day ahead of us but thought we would go hang out by the kids area where there is so much for her to do and see how it goes well ... we weren't there long and she had a complete meltdown, like I have never seen before, in fact the last time I saw her cry like that was when we thought she had broken her arm, it was bad :-( So getting more frazzled by the second I eventually said to Dave I am going to go home and let her take a nap and I would come back later, he was to stay there with Jade and get his money worth. Well oh my gosh, I was that mom that you see with the kid crying uncontrolably for the next 25 minutes, sadly we were about a 25 minute walk from the exit, we could not have been further from the exit, it was crazy but shame she cried or screamed blue murder for the duration of my walk, I have never been so mortified and well never again think badly of that mom that cannot shut her child up, it was terrible, I wanted to cry with her. Nothing would make her stop so I just walked as fast as I could to get to the car and well I was not even out the parking area and she was fast asleep. Thankfully our resort was 10 minutes away so it was no big deal, she took her nap and cooled down coz I am sure that added to it all, it was sooooo hot and then we bought dinner and headed back to the park with dinner for all, yep I sneaked it in :-)
Now what was really sad for me when I got back Dave had done something with Jade that I wanted to do Monday but we were too late to get in ... he watched Jade feed the dolphins, I am so sad I missed that, it was such a big moment I think in our vacation but oh well ... hopefully next time she and I can do it together :-) These were cellphone pics from afar so am glad we at least got one good one.

Beautiful right :-)

Anyway there will definitely be a next time because she and I so wanted to do all the amazing rides there but she didn't quite make the 54 inch mark to do them, she did by the end of Summer but not when we were there sadly so next time she and I will do that together.
All I can say further is thank God we survived the trip back and thank God we only do those long trips once a year, so hard to do these trips with Amber.
We had an amazing vacation, too cool, thank you to everyone that contributed towards making it so special :-)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Orlando Continued ...
Ok so to backtrack here a little, we arrived in Disney Friday, Saturday Dave and Jade went to Blizzard Beach, sadly being a very wet day in the water park of course there were no pics. Amber and I hung out at the resort, it was so beautiful there, we could take walks to feed the birds, which you will see later. We could hang out at so many of their amazing pools, pics later too or we could hang out at the activity center which was great, there were staff in there that did crafts with the kids, sadly it didn't mean I could go hang at the pool but it was fun for Amber, she got to paint and make crafts and play with whatever they had in there or watch movies which they always had playing. Loved it there, could go home for lunch, take a nap and then do it all over again the afternoon, it really wasn't that bad at all getting left there for the day :-)
Sunday we all hung at the resort which was a great downtime day. We all needed it too.
Monday Jade and I went to Seaworld, I didn't carry the camera this day coz I knew I was coming again later in the week but she and I had an amazing day there, a very long day of course but thankfully the resort was like 10 minutes or less from all the parks we went to which was fantastic, can't say enough how much I loved this resort !!!
Tuesday I can't remember what we did, think it was a downtime day too ... shopping maybe.
Wednesday was Magic Kingdom day and the plan was to take Amber there for the say and us all go but honestly, I am glad I decided it was just going to be way too hard coz she and I had another great day at the resort and Dave and Jade went to Magic Kingdom alone, I was a little sad to miss out but you know I will take that any day over having to deal with a toddler and tantrum over a long stretch of a day. Anyway I think I have phone pics Dave might have taken but I can't find them now :-( Oh wait here's one ... now I remember it rained much of that day too which was also one of my deciding factors not to go, seems Dave has video but this was the only picture I could find as proof they were there (hehehe).
Looks miserable right but apparently it didn't rain all day and there is a bunch of stuff they could do while it rained so it was not all bad :-) still glad I didn't go. It was the last year that Amber would be free which really was the only reason I thought it worth a try.

Anyway here are some more resort pics which I took while Amber and I were out walking. What was so cool and we did it a couple of times, literally out the door and around the corner would take you to the front of our unit, where the fountain was you saw earlier, great place for feeding fish and birds, Amber and I would do it as much as we could, she loved it but would be happier in the stroller feeding the birds, on this day, oh my gosh I laughed so much I thought if anyone saw me, they would think what a horrible mother ... she got surrounded by birds and when she realized this and couldn't get to me, her face and the freak out, poor baby, but she loved feeding the birds.

This was just before the freak out ...

This place was so lush and green probably because it rains so much in Florida but still it was soooooo beautiful, I am so not a natures girl as anyone that knows me will know but I loved this week at this resort, loved, loved, loved it.

This is just one of the 9 I think pool areas they had there, lots of pools and lots of Jacuzzis love it :-) can't say it enough and I think we were closest to the nicest pool, pics to follow.

This was the activity center where Amber and I spent a nice amount of time, she had fun and the staff were nice so they were company for me too :-) Oh I almost forgot the resort had it's own set of take our restaurants that you could order in from which made my life such fun in the evenings that it was only Amber and I, what a treat. There were lots of bar areas and nicer restaurants with lots of adult activities which we didn't take advantage of sadly but still great resort. Oh and one of the kids activities that I did with Jade the one night was make ice cream from scratch, what a treat for her and such fun :-)

Amber and one of her crafts which you can tell she had a lot of help with :-)

This was a pool area close to the activity center which Dave took Amber to on the day he was alone with Amber at the resort, apparently a nice slide for Amber but she and I did so many other things we actually didn't do this pool together.

This was our pool area, think it might have been the best one, nice little splash area with fountains for Amber, great pool although I thought the water was super cold compared to our water back home and a great jacuzzi too. Spent many a day here and a night or two too.

Ok so this took you through to Wednesday ... will publish this now as I am busy with dinner and not sure how much more I will get done today.
Sunday we all hung at the resort which was a great downtime day. We all needed it too.
Monday Jade and I went to Seaworld, I didn't carry the camera this day coz I knew I was coming again later in the week but she and I had an amazing day there, a very long day of course but thankfully the resort was like 10 minutes or less from all the parks we went to which was fantastic, can't say enough how much I loved this resort !!!
Tuesday I can't remember what we did, think it was a downtime day too ... shopping maybe.
Wednesday was Magic Kingdom day and the plan was to take Amber there for the say and us all go but honestly, I am glad I decided it was just going to be way too hard coz she and I had another great day at the resort and Dave and Jade went to Magic Kingdom alone, I was a little sad to miss out but you know I will take that any day over having to deal with a toddler and tantrum over a long stretch of a day. Anyway I think I have phone pics Dave might have taken but I can't find them now :-( Oh wait here's one ... now I remember it rained much of that day too which was also one of my deciding factors not to go, seems Dave has video but this was the only picture I could find as proof they were there (hehehe).
Looks miserable right but apparently it didn't rain all day and there is a bunch of stuff they could do while it rained so it was not all bad :-) still glad I didn't go. It was the last year that Amber would be free which really was the only reason I thought it worth a try.
Anyway here are some more resort pics which I took while Amber and I were out walking. What was so cool and we did it a couple of times, literally out the door and around the corner would take you to the front of our unit, where the fountain was you saw earlier, great place for feeding fish and birds, Amber and I would do it as much as we could, she loved it but would be happier in the stroller feeding the birds, on this day, oh my gosh I laughed so much I thought if anyone saw me, they would think what a horrible mother ... she got surrounded by birds and when she realized this and couldn't get to me, her face and the freak out, poor baby, but she loved feeding the birds.
This was just before the freak out ...
This place was so lush and green probably because it rains so much in Florida but still it was soooooo beautiful, I am so not a natures girl as anyone that knows me will know but I loved this week at this resort, loved, loved, loved it.
This is just one of the 9 I think pool areas they had there, lots of pools and lots of Jacuzzis love it :-) can't say it enough and I think we were closest to the nicest pool, pics to follow.
This was the activity center where Amber and I spent a nice amount of time, she had fun and the staff were nice so they were company for me too :-) Oh I almost forgot the resort had it's own set of take our restaurants that you could order in from which made my life such fun in the evenings that it was only Amber and I, what a treat. There were lots of bar areas and nicer restaurants with lots of adult activities which we didn't take advantage of sadly but still great resort. Oh and one of the kids activities that I did with Jade the one night was make ice cream from scratch, what a treat for her and such fun :-)
Amber and one of her crafts which you can tell she had a lot of help with :-)
This was a pool area close to the activity center which Dave took Amber to on the day he was alone with Amber at the resort, apparently a nice slide for Amber but she and I did so many other things we actually didn't do this pool together.
This was our pool area, think it might have been the best one, nice little splash area with fountains for Amber, great pool although I thought the water was super cold compared to our water back home and a great jacuzzi too. Spent many a day here and a night or two too.
Ok so this took you through to Wednesday ... will publish this now as I am busy with dinner and not sure how much more I will get done today.
Downtown Disney ...
Even though we have been to Disney a couple of times this was the first time we went to check out Downtown Disney ... now I can say I have been there and done that and probably won't do it again.
Love this picture though :-)

Loved this, you had to have seen her face :-) she is not a huge Pooh fan but she knows who he is and loved this.

This one is for all the Lego Fans out there ...

Love this picture though :-)
Loved this, you had to have seen her face :-) she is not a huge Pooh fan but she knows who he is and loved this.
This one is for all the Lego Fans out there ...
Ok so not the greatest of backgrounds on my blog coz it affects the pictures so click on them to open them and see them better ok. Sorry about that !!!
OMG I Am Sooooooo Behind !!!
Ok I am sorry you guys I have gotten so very behind again that it will take me hours to upload just the pictures without all the explanations so I will keep it short and just try and post as many pics as I can.
Can't believe I am starting at the beginning of August, our crazy August but anyway here are some pics of our amazing timeshare unit we stayed in in Orlando.
I guess gosh before I do that I need to tell you quickly that before this week we stayed down at our friends Kevin and Ruth Anne Swanson for a couple of days, they are in Vero Beach, we love it down there !!! Cannot believe that we spent some good time on the beach but never took one pic, that is crazy but true. The girls both loved the beach, Jade out in the surf as much as she could be and well Amber with her floaty on trying to paddle out there with her. Thank you Lord that I have girls that love the beach, love the water and are such good tanners :-) unlike their dad of course !!!
Thank you Kevin and Ruth for putting up with us, always so good to see you guys :-) Also was great to see John Maitland but sad we didn't get to see Carrie but I am sure there will be a next time so until then ... right !!!
Oh one thing I must mention and I can hardly remember all the details since this was all so long ago now but the trip down was LONG !!! And Amber is not a good traveler that is for sure which just solidifies my not wanting to take the long flight to SA for a good while longer, anyway she didn't sleep a wink on the 10 odd hour trip down there, can you believe that, she totally skipped her nap and decided it was way more fun just irritating everyone else in the car more. Anyway to cut a long story short when we got down to Kevin and Ruth, we let her play for a while and at around 9 ish, no I think it might have been later, decided it was bedtime, she was not cranky or anything but it was late and it had been a long day so time for bed. Put her in her sleep pen which she didn't mind so I knew she would be ok in there and left her to go off to sleep, she cried a bit but then it was lights out for her UNTIL ... well around midnight Dave and I went to bed and well Amber had had her nap and now was roaring to go again, I thought I was going to kill her that night, she would not sleep for anything.
It was around 3h30 in the morning when I told Dave to come let me out I was going to go sleep in the car, not my best decision but thought for Ambers safety and all it was best, well it was hot as hell in the car and I could not even crack the windows coz of all the mozzies, it was terrible but at least I wasn't mad as hell all the time. Dave said apparently he gave her a snack coz she said she was hungry and gave her a cup she was thirsty and then she went off to sleep, omg, crazy, crazy, crazy stuff.
Anyway the good thing is she took a nap the next day with me which was nice :-)
Ok so back to our timeshare, look at these pics, this place was wonderful, probably the best timeshare / hotel I have ever stayed in :-)
This was our bedroom, very comfy king bed with a nice large Tv which we never used really coz Amber slept in there with us, you can see her little bed which she slept in for two weeks, sure she was glad to get home eventually too.

Then in our room there was this large jacuzzi which the kids loved of course, you would drop a little bit of bubbles in there and almost lose Amber every time, too funny :-) There was also a nice dresser in there too and a basin area.

Here you can see the dresser, then a door went through into a passageway area where there was another basin area right outside a bathroom which a huge big shower and toilet.

Then there was a nice size full kitchen which was great, a washer and dryer which was amazing, love that :-) and a beautiful dining room table and chairs, there were chairs at a counter top in the kitchen too. Then a sleeper couch where Jade slept and other comfy seats, another large flat screen TV, a small computer desk which as you can well imagine got well used which eventually led out onto an enclosed seated area looking over the water ... see next pic.

This was the outside area, Amber loved it, you could see all the ducks swimming out there, it was really cool :-) Amber and I ate out there once or twice in the mornings when it was cool but it was too hot out there for long periods of time during the day, wouldn't mind a nice screened in porch at home :-)

Nice one of the girls in the bath on our first night.

And then lying in Jades bed before Ambers bedtime.

Ok went on way too long here, more pics of the place in further later updates, loved, loved, loved this resort !!! I will publish this one in the meantime.
Can't believe I am starting at the beginning of August, our crazy August but anyway here are some pics of our amazing timeshare unit we stayed in in Orlando.
I guess gosh before I do that I need to tell you quickly that before this week we stayed down at our friends Kevin and Ruth Anne Swanson for a couple of days, they are in Vero Beach, we love it down there !!! Cannot believe that we spent some good time on the beach but never took one pic, that is crazy but true. The girls both loved the beach, Jade out in the surf as much as she could be and well Amber with her floaty on trying to paddle out there with her. Thank you Lord that I have girls that love the beach, love the water and are such good tanners :-) unlike their dad of course !!!
Thank you Kevin and Ruth for putting up with us, always so good to see you guys :-) Also was great to see John Maitland but sad we didn't get to see Carrie but I am sure there will be a next time so until then ... right !!!
Oh one thing I must mention and I can hardly remember all the details since this was all so long ago now but the trip down was LONG !!! And Amber is not a good traveler that is for sure which just solidifies my not wanting to take the long flight to SA for a good while longer, anyway she didn't sleep a wink on the 10 odd hour trip down there, can you believe that, she totally skipped her nap and decided it was way more fun just irritating everyone else in the car more. Anyway to cut a long story short when we got down to Kevin and Ruth, we let her play for a while and at around 9 ish, no I think it might have been later, decided it was bedtime, she was not cranky or anything but it was late and it had been a long day so time for bed. Put her in her sleep pen which she didn't mind so I knew she would be ok in there and left her to go off to sleep, she cried a bit but then it was lights out for her UNTIL ... well around midnight Dave and I went to bed and well Amber had had her nap and now was roaring to go again, I thought I was going to kill her that night, she would not sleep for anything.
It was around 3h30 in the morning when I told Dave to come let me out I was going to go sleep in the car, not my best decision but thought for Ambers safety and all it was best, well it was hot as hell in the car and I could not even crack the windows coz of all the mozzies, it was terrible but at least I wasn't mad as hell all the time. Dave said apparently he gave her a snack coz she said she was hungry and gave her a cup she was thirsty and then she went off to sleep, omg, crazy, crazy, crazy stuff.
Anyway the good thing is she took a nap the next day with me which was nice :-)
Ok so back to our timeshare, look at these pics, this place was wonderful, probably the best timeshare / hotel I have ever stayed in :-)
This was our bedroom, very comfy king bed with a nice large Tv which we never used really coz Amber slept in there with us, you can see her little bed which she slept in for two weeks, sure she was glad to get home eventually too.
Then in our room there was this large jacuzzi which the kids loved of course, you would drop a little bit of bubbles in there and almost lose Amber every time, too funny :-) There was also a nice dresser in there too and a basin area.
Here you can see the dresser, then a door went through into a passageway area where there was another basin area right outside a bathroom which a huge big shower and toilet.
Then there was a nice size full kitchen which was great, a washer and dryer which was amazing, love that :-) and a beautiful dining room table and chairs, there were chairs at a counter top in the kitchen too. Then a sleeper couch where Jade slept and other comfy seats, another large flat screen TV, a small computer desk which as you can well imagine got well used which eventually led out onto an enclosed seated area looking over the water ... see next pic.
This was the outside area, Amber loved it, you could see all the ducks swimming out there, it was really cool :-) Amber and I ate out there once or twice in the mornings when it was cool but it was too hot out there for long periods of time during the day, wouldn't mind a nice screened in porch at home :-)
Nice one of the girls in the bath on our first night.
And then lying in Jades bed before Ambers bedtime.
Ok went on way too long here, more pics of the place in further later updates, loved, loved, loved this resort !!! I will publish this one in the meantime.
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