Yeah, yeah, I know I am sooooo not a natures girl, what with all the pollen and all the bees and all but it's just so pretty here right now I wanted to show you some of it :-) So much of it is gone already but these are some I have taken over the last month or so.
This was a little tree in my neighbors garden but these trees are everywhere and huge and when the wind blows it's like it's snowing as the blossoms blow off. We don't have one in our garden though, I love this tree.
Just playing with our new camera :-)
Most people here put a lot of effort into their gardens, sadly I am not one of them, as much as I would love my garden to be pretty ... I am so not a gardener and there is not hope in hell that Dave would do it.
Just another huge bush that is everywhere.
The next three are our back yard, not much but very pretty.
Still playing with the camera on our deck :-) I love this new camera.
One of our little squirrels up our big tree out back, for those that have been here to visit, he is in the same hole that the bee hive is in, is that just not the craziest thing ?
These next two are all over in our neighborhood as well.
Now this is amazing, but I don't know what it is but it grows like a weed or a creeper and as you drive down the roads you will see like walls of this purple flower, it's amazingly pretty but of course when I asked Dave has he see it ... he replied no (hehehe) MEN !!!
Ok so before I bore you all to death, I will stop there :-) you can be glad I don't carry the camera with me everywhere !!! But the bottom line is I am so not a natures girl but this was just so pretty to me :-)
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