Ok I know it's been a while since I updated but I really didn't have too much to write so here I am trying to play catch up ... I am sure I will forget a lot now but let's see how it goes.
So Jade is on Winter Break for two weeks, oh my gosh what am I going to do to keep us busy ... I usually have a plan but I have to admit this past year has been a very disorganized one for me and I have found myself many times without any sort of plan which in my book is not something good but anyway.
Ok so let me start at the 19th ... Dave got off work early so we all went out to the house, nothing much new to see which is why you haven't heard any more updates. The house is pretty much finished, they are doing all the final touch ups and all the inspections are being done so really ... no pics, no updates, he next you hear of the house we will be moving in, can you believe that ? We have our big pre closing walk through with the builder on the 14th, that will take a couple of hours so I am glad Jade will be back in school :-) Then the 23rd we close, which means that is the day we sign all the papers and we get the keys, yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! We have the apartment till mid February so we will go slow, Dave will get the Pack Rat delivered so we can start unpacking that and in the meantime I will pack up the apartment and move stuff across but we probably won't be in till almost mid February I think or maybe the weekend of the 7th which is my plan :-)
In the meantime, I am busy shopping around, we need two large rugs, one for under our kitchen table and one for the family room, now I can't really buy these until I have found the new sofa and know the color, so I am shopping for the new sofa too, neither of these we need before we move in but I am hunting around anyway, while I have the time and am off work. In time I want to replace our kitchen table too, we will move the current table into our media room. Jades room is the only one I really want sorted out before we move in, it will be a Tinkerbell and all her fairies room ... she is getting a new bedroom set, that will be delivered after closing, she already has her bedding which she got for Christmas so she is excited to see her new room :-) and well I am excited to put it together.
I know it sounds like a lot of new stuff but I have been saving for a while knowing that Mr Scrooge wouldn't really want to get anything new soon after moving into the new house and I knew he doesn't mind what I get if I pay for it ... and well I just really want to make the house comfy and pretty so I am looking forward to all the new stuff. There will be tons to buy but after these items I mentioned, I will go slow and buy as I see stuff and as my jewelry shows pay off :-) All very exciting. So hold thumbs that all goes off well and we close on the 23rd.
Then the 20th it was my best friend Tina's little boys 6th birthday, this is Louis, the little guy that went on vacation with us. It was a morning birthday with a Mad Scientist Theme which was fun for the kids, we stayed there most of the day. Then that night, Dave got horribly ill with a tummy bug, oh my gosh, that is all I needed now, for either Jade or I to get it, it has been going around a long time we had been lucky to date not to have had it in our house and oh boy, then Dave gets it. Well I have never Clorexed so much in my life or washed my hands that many times, Jade and I were both keeping our distance big time and thank God it paid off, neither of us got it.
The Sunday, that's the 21st, I knew Jade and I had to get out of the apartment and spend as little time around Dave as possible, so we got done as early as we could, Clorexed everything down, sprayed Lysol as much as I could and as cold as it was ... which wasn't too bad thank Heavens, I opened up all the windows and doors and aired out the place and then made sure Dave was ok and off Jade and I went for the day. I am sure Dave was happy to get the rest so everything worked out well, we were back around dinner time.
Jade and I went off to a new mall our in South Carolina, called Plaza Fiesta, it has a Mexican Theme and well there were so many of the local Mexicans there that I actually felt like I was in Mexico, not that I really know how that feels but you know what I mean. I had heard this was a fun place for kids so thought I would take a chance and go out there, I had worried that it would be over crowded since it was the last weekend to shop before Christmas but it wasn't bad at all, it got busier through the day but wasn't bad at all. Anyway they have this huge climbing thing for the kids, it is the biggest one that Jade has been in for sure, she loved it in there, I sat on the side lines reading email and playing on my phone as well as people watching which you know I love :-)

After she was done, she and I had lunch, no McDonalds or Burger King there, nothing I recognized actually, all authentic food, obviously lots of Mexican, then Chinese, Greek and so much more, I was so overwhelmed and Jade was hungry so I didn't have time to really look around so don't laugh but she and I just landed up with hotdogs and fries (hehehe) !!!
When we were done with lunch it was onto another surprise for her, this mall had an outside rink for ice skating, it was covered over which I didn't know but that was ok, it kept it slightly warmer :-) She had an absolute ball, I had been wanting Dave to take her for a while now but he really wasn't interested and well I knew I couldn't go out on the ice now so I got a good idea, I took her bicycle helmet with me, thank God she isn't old enough to feel self conscious of that but it put my mind at peace and she went out there by herself. I told her she couldn't let go of the sides until she had got round a couple of times and found her footing, I know this child too well, she is overly confident and I didn't want to break that with her falling right off the bat. Anyway for a while she went around the sides holding on, getting faster and faster, having fewer and fewer falls, then one of the teenage guys that was working there took her hand and took her across the center of the ice and that was it, all she needed, and she was off on her own, it was too cute. Yeah, yeah she fell a good deal but she did pretty well. She skated for about 90 mins before we left, it was getting late, she would have skated longer had I given her more time.
I took quite a bit of video but really just have not had the time to upload any of them so ... here are two pics in the meantime, I will load the videos when I can.

Thank Heavens by Monday Dave was a lot better and he went off to work. Jade and I still hoped we wouldn't get the bug and thank Heavens our wishes were answered !!!