Ok, let's see, what's on the cards this week, Jades last week of vacation before she goes back to school ... Today as soon as I can get done on here, I am going to rush off to run some errands before I get online with my mom for our usual Monday chat. Then this evening our friends Tina and Lewis are coming over with their three kids for pizza and fun at our pool, so Jade is looking forward to that :-)
Tomorrow we are suppose to be having a play date with Jade little school friend Evelyn but we have not finalized arrangements so only time will tell, they are lucky enough to have a really nice pool in their back yard so we might go over there to swim.
Wednesday Jade has an afternoon playdate with Ryan, one of her friends in our neighborhood, it's late afternoon so I may take her to the YMCA pool in the morning, it's so very hot here that being at the pool at some stage in the day is a must !!!
Thursday I don't have anything planned yet and then Friday Jade has her open day at school, so we will be meeting her teacher Ms Cindy that morning, I love Ms Cindy so I hope Jade does too, I am sure she will.
Friday night is great excitement for Jade. Last year during Summer, some of you will remember she had a sleepover / camp out in one of my neighbors back yards, it was the release of the Cheetah Girls movie, all the girls in the road went over to Tina's to watch the movie, have fun and then to sleepover in a tent in the back yard, Jade had a ball so ... this year the big Summer movie is High School Musical 2 which gets released this weekend so Tina is doing the same as last year, another camp out, it's so hot, good luck to her :-) She really has the fun house around here :-) Dave and I are going to take total advantage of the time out and go out for dinner with friends and then a possible movie ... now I am excited :-)
Then Saturday is our pool Olympics which I had hoped would be a really good one for Jade this year being the little fish that she is but after her late night at Tina on Friday and probably very little decent sleep, I don't know, we will have to see, maybe we will just give it a skip, again only time will tell.
My other friend Tina, since you guys are probably confused, I have a Tina as a neighbor and then a different Tina as my best friend, well Tina, my best friend she and her hubby are taking her two boys to see Monster Trucks on Saturday evening so I am going to babysit little Layla, she's too cute so it should be fun, it's been a while that I have babysat a child that small so hold thumbs it goes off well.
Sunday will hopefully be a relaxing day to get Jade ready for school on Monday, I might update later the week if she does the pool Olympics otherwise my update will probably only be on Monday. Until then, have a good week :-)

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