Anyway George, Karen, Amy, Megan and Sasha left at 5h30 this morning, I cannot believe that Jade slept through all the noise of them getting ready to leave but she did, and then at 7h15 when she first woke up, I told her to shhhhhhhhhh like I would if we had people visiting and she went back off to sleep till 8h30, which means we all slept till 8h30 and of course, being Monday Dave was late for work.
Even though Jade had said goodbye to everyone last night just in case she didn't wake up this morning, she was very heart sore and teary eyed this morning. I of course had already shed a good amount of tears before her getting up, I am so going to miss Karen's companionship, she and I are so alike in so many ways and then again so very different in others that it's been fun spending all this time together almost getting to know each other on another level. I cannot believe they were here a little over two weeks, time just flew by which shows how much fun we had right :-) The last time we saw each other was two years ago when Jade and I flew there to spend two weeks with them, we have now decided that driving to each other is a long drive but a totally worth while drive and that we are going to do this yearly, perhaps alternating every year :-)
So as I sit here in my very quiet house I know it is going to be tough getting back into the swing of things or back to normal but I know it will happen in time, hopefully quickly for Jade though since she has really gotten used to having company 24/7, poor thing probably is going to be a little lost today. Thankfully my new jeweler is coming over this afternoon and she has two kids so that will help a little and from tomorrow well it will be my task again to keep busy. This Summer has flown by so quickly, before we know it she will be back at school so I am going to try and make the remainder of her vacation time as fun as possible, we really have had a great Summer !!!
So I guess all that is left to say is, thank you George and David for helping this happen, without the two of you, well Karen and I still would have made it happen but you guys made it easier. George it was fun having you here the last couple of days too, I am sure Dave enjoyed the male company after living alone with six girls the past two weeks :-) Karen gosh, thanks for everything, you were this holiday to me like the sister I always wanted and never had, I had an awesome time with you and girls ... thank you too for being so nice to Jade and doing your parents proud with you manners and just the way you are !!!
We are all going to miss you so very much, Dave even said he would miss the warmth and affection the girls showed him on a daily basis :-) not to mention Karen making him coffee all the time !!! I know what I am going to miss most other than you guys of course PEPPERMINT CRISP PUDDING !!! I dare not make it for us, I best forget those ingredients (hehehe) !!!
I wanted to add some pictures of the trip below so you can see how much fun was had but all of us ... the pics are mainly of the girls, I have finally found someone that hates pics as much as I do (hehehe).
We took the girls to dinner at CiCi's Pizza for one of Megans birthday surprises ...
Playing with some of the kids in the road, Jade was so happy to share her neighbors with everyone :-)
It is clear that we often exhausted the kids right :-)

This was one taken at Lake Wylie for 4th of July ... now that I am thinking, I might have posted this pic already, not sure now but I aint gonna go back and check :-)

This was at Tina I's house, she invited us over to swim and celebrate another suprise birthday party for Megan

This was at Cane Creek Park, which was a lot of fun for the girls and I, Karen doesn't like 'lake water' she says give her a clorinated pool any day (hehehe) but it was as close to a beach we could get on short notice
At least the kids got to build sand castles, which was nice ...
Doesn't matter which dad was at hand, they were going to give him lots of love :-)
I am surprised all the beds held all the jumping on them :-)

These were taken in my back garden
The men bbq'ing

The twins ... or partners in crime :-)
These were all taken the day before they left, it was almost impossible to get them all to smile at one time for all these pics ...
Playing fashion models ...

And how can we leave Dave out of the fun, this gives being the center of attention a new meaning right ?

Here the kids were doing songs that they had practised the entire two weeks that they were here, they did pretty well, impressed all the parents :-) Very cute too.

Jade singing her sole :-)
Love the pics Tracey, it is always hard saying goodbye isn't it. Is that one pic of Jade's room, if so it sure is pretty.
Take care
Not one pic of you and and Karen?? what a shame! you should post at least one pic of the two of you together with all that love! the pics and videos are beautiful and I can imagine what Karen looks like cuz all her girls look alike! they are gorgeous! Im so glad you had so much fun and I can only wish I was there!
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