Anyway she loves the skirt so much that when I needed her to get dressed so that she could go with me to work last night, she decided she would rather stay home with her dad so she could wear the skirt. This was very weird since she has so much fun with all the other kids in my class on Wednesday nights that usually there is no way I can get her to stay home but anyway ...
So this morning before I got her in her bathing suit to go to the pool and told her she could wear the skirt to the pool, not swim in it as she thought but wear it to the pool. She looked so cute in it that I decided to take these pics, she has a cute little tan coming on too which is what she is trying to show Nana in that one little picture where her behind is showing some. Actally the picture really doesn't show it much she looks much browner in person, thankfully it looks like she has my skin even though she is so fair. I just love the last picture even though it doesn't even show the skirt :-) it's such a natural picture of her.
As I said in my title of this post, it's a good thing we took these pictures before we went to the pool, we actually went to a new pool, the Ballentyne YMCA which has some water slides, I hadn't taken her there before since I wasn't sure how she would do, I guess I shouldn't really second guess her swimming or any other water ability because she really is a little fish, she loves the water. She did the test that they have to pass to use those slides and passed it no problem first time, always a proud parent moment but anyway, she spent the next 3 hours going up and down those slides till she bumped her head or face on the slide going down and grazed her face open a little. It really wasn't anything big but the drama queen did her thing and begged me to put a bandaid on which then had her good to go for another hour before we came home.
I now notice she had a bit of a bump on her head too so she must have knocked it hard, hopefully she doesn't get a blue eye, but then it won't be the first time or I am sure the last, she is so rough !!! Anyway go take a look, the pics are pretty cute.
Enjoy :-)

awww i love the grass skirt..and you should let her wear it to anyplace that doesnt require proper dress...i knew someone once who let her daughter dress up like a princess wherever she wanted to go....except of course....functions that needed to be dressed up for. I think its great and imaginative and gives them the confidence to dress how they want to dress, and not how society dictates they You know me..ever the challenger. Jade looks incredible. Miss you guys! xoxoxo lots of love!
Jade looks a doll in her little grass skirt. I like Kathy's post. May Jade always take great joy in being her own true self!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sexy little bum she has
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