Anyway we have done so much, but with the kids, it has been mainly trips to the pool since that is easiest. Yesterday we went to a small lake close to us which was fun as it has a little beach area, Jade and I had never been there before, it wasn't great but I think the kids had a wonderful time. The kids have also become quiet friendly with the neighbors kids in the road which has been so nice for me to see. The evening before July 4th they went over to Tina's house (Tina in the road) and had smores and watched the local fireworks go off. Last night while Karen and I were out the kids invited other kids in the road over for a movie party ... see what a push over Dave is, he said he was clearly out voted !!!
For the 4th of July we went out to Lake Wylie which was really nice, the fireworks were awesome !!! Unfortunately we battled traffic to get home but thank heavens eventually got home safely as the roads were very busy as you can well imagine.
Megan had a birthday while they were here and we tried to make it a special one her being so far away from home and all, I hope she enjoyed it. We went out to Cici's for dinner during the week, then the night before her birthday, my best friend Tina, another Tina, not Tina in my road, invited us all over to her house for a celebration for Megans birthday, her hubby Lewis put on a fireworks display for us too and I think Megan felt very special this was all done for her. There they got to swim and play on the trampoline, so we had a nice evening, thanks Tina, you are the best !!!
For her actual birthday we pretty much spent most of the day at the pool which the kids always enjoy :-) One thing that was a shock to the system was Karen has all sorts of traditions for birthdays that she does which is very cute and makes it very special for the girls but one that I don't think I will be carrying forward, two actually, the first being that the birthday girls gets to cut her cake ... no way am I letting any child of mine distroy cake (hehehe), Megan had fun but it was no fun me watching all that go down, Karen definitely has better nerves than me. Secondly on their birthdays they get to have cake for breakfast, now as much as I like cake, that is just wrong (hehehe) but it was fun all the same :-)
Karen and I have done tons of shopping, she is convinced that George and I have plotted together her 'death by shopping' it's all been very overwelming for her how much there is here. I have thoroughly enjoyed it all because as much as it has become the norm for me, I don't get to walk EVERY isle like she has made me do this past week and I have gotten to see so much that normal I would just not have seen. She is such fun to be with and we are so alike in so many ways that this has just been a wonderful experience for me. Hopefully one that we are going to do yearly.
Anyway, this morning we had a fashion show, last night Karen and I went shopping and bought the kids some new clothes and it was fashion show time, I think they had a ball. I have added two video's to YouTube hopefully by the time you view this they are loaded and you can view them, in the meantime, enjoy the pictures :-)
This is the four of them, golly we took a few pics of the four of them and you think we could get one nice one with them all smiling and looking in the right direction ... now freaking way !!!

This is just one of Jade which golly, tried to steal the show at every opportunity.

This is Megan, she is the one that just had a birthday here and turned 7 years old.

This is Amy that is 9 and Megan

I just loved this bathing suit for Amy and well it didn't take much to talk Karen into getting it for her but thankfully she like it too :-)

This is Jade and Sasha, they actually in one of the pics had same shorts on but Jade just fills them out a little more (hehehe) and she is a whole year younger than Sasha !!!

These were PJ's that I bought Jade coz the girls had PJ dresses as she calls them so I had to buy her these and she was over the moon.

This will probably be the last post before they leave, then afterwards I will write a little more but then it will be back to a quiet house ... I am so going to miss everyone, Jade is going to be heartbroken to see them go :-(
Until then enjoy the rest of your week.
What little performers, especially Jade. What a cutie, so acrobatic as well, doing the cartwheel and all. Who does she take after, is it mom showing her all the dance moves?? Looks like fun, wish I could meet little Jade in person!!
that bikini would look amazing on my bedroom floor as I took it off her and got her in bed, the ass first then her lovely hairless pu-y over and over
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