Dave laughed when I said I would have to add this to my blog but anyway, we are suppose to add all silly things and well on Friday evening there was something funny that I experienced that I wanted to share, some of you might know this guy and others not but whatever ... I worked the mass at the church on Friday night and looked after a new bunch of kids, some I knew but others I didn't anyway after the mass the parents came to get their kids and there was this one father that came in, I didn't recognize him but after him standing there for a few minutes the girl that was subbing with me said to him 'you know I am sure you get this a lot but you look very much like Paul Wylie the Olympic Figure Skater' and he sniggered and said 'well that is probably because I am him'. She was very embarrassed, poor girl. I didn't know who he was and well having kind of followed skating the past 20 years, I wanted to know how good he really was and well apparently he was the Silver medalist at the 1992 I think it was, Olympics in France.
I kinda felt like I met my first celebrity in America (hehehe) but he was very modest unlike I am sure, most celebrities are. Anyway being off to Vegas next weekend who knows who I might see. I know Leeann Rimes (spelling ?) will actually be performing at the hotel we are staying at, not that I know well enough what she looks like but you know, it's exciting stuff !!! Ok so that was boring I am sure but I wanted to share just in case anyone out there actually knows who Paul Wylie is :-)
One last thing, people have been asking how to make comments, for those of you that don't know, at the bottom of every new post there is a a line that says 'comments' and if you click on it, you will be able to read the comments left but other people and also be able to add your own. Please let me know if you have problems and I will glad help you through the process :-)
I have more Easter pics to add but it's been a very long day so I will add them tomorrow.
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