Before I go on ... I wanted to mention for those that don't already know, that I have changed the settings on the comments page and now anyone should be able to comment where they would like, before you needed to sign in and have a gmail email address it was just too complicated for some so now you can do it no matter what your email address is, so please, don't hesitate, go right ahead and leave those comments :-) It is the comments that make it all the more worthwhile for me :-)
Well I figured if I didn't get my Easter wishes in now, it would be after Easter before I got time to sit down and blog a little more so I am getting a somewhat early start to my wishes, having said that, some people in South Africa would have left work already and will miss these wishes, so I apologize in advance to those people !!!
I had said to some people that I wasn't sure when Dave had off this weekend but it's Friday, he does not get Monday off like he would in South Africa but we are thrilled just to have a long weekend either way. I didn't have to work this morning as I usually have to on a Thursday morning so I had a little time to play and take some pics of Jade as I had promised I would do for Easter so here you go ... oh I have to apologize that most of them came out a little dark but I think there might still be one or two cute ones in there :-)

And then I had to throw a hat into the mix, for those that don't know me from when I was young, they wouldn't know that I had a thing about hats, I loved having pics of myself taken in hats which my brother could testify to since he was my biggest photographer (hehehe) so I guess I love hats on Jade too, not so much when she was a baby, I really didn't like those hats but now, I love her in hats and she actually enjoys them too, actually she likes the crowns better but whenever I can replace the crown with a hat, I do :-)
Funny thing is, you do kind of live your life through your kids, I totally loved Care Bears when I was a kid but didn't have many of them so now when there is so much of it in the stores, well Jade and I both enjoy indulging in Care Bears. What was a huge surprise to me this past vacation in South Africa, Jade became fascinated with unicorns and as a teenager I used to collect little unicorns, how weird is that and to crown it all on visiting with a friend while we were over there, her daughter bought Jade a soft toy and wouldn't you believe it, it was a unicorn, I am still amazed by that. That unicorn is actually on her bed now, it goes well with her room :-) which I still need to take pics of too for people that want to see how I did it but it isn't completed yet so you will have to wait a little longer !!!

I hope you enjoyed all those, I have to run now, got lots to do today and have spent way too much time playing on here.
Have a wonderful Easter everyone, stay safe if you are on the roads and well don't eat too many of those chocolate delights !!!
I miss You!!!! I love the pictures of Jade (especially the hat ones!) and wanted to say Happy Easter to you too!!!!! I'm so sorry that I have not spoken to you lately! I've been working my bootie off and trying to get ready for my "FIRST EVER" trip away "ALL BY MYSELF" to Chicago!!! What are you doing tomorrow? We're planning on going to Monkey Joe's. Wanna come with us? Hope to see you soon. Tori :)
You have such a cute little model there. We also want to see some pictures of your old man. Whats he beeeeen up to? Happy Easter
I think Jade needs an agent! either that or she should work at Disney World as a princess :)
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